Chapter 17

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A/N: Ugh Monday's are terrible. They're really busy for me, but it's the only day I can fit everthing in. I have to go to the lab right after school and then I -sometimes- get to eat something before my horn lesson and after that I try to go to the gym. And of course, I have another chapter to write and edit.

Part 2 of the end. This chapter will probably end up being longer than the rest. A lot is going to happen including the entire climax of the story (woo). Like I've said before, this is loosely based on Reichenbach Feels, but does not stick to the plot of what actually happened so don't flip out because  it's different.

I really hope you guys like this chapter. I've worked really hard on this story and I'm both excited and sad to see it starting to come to an end. I'm so amazed by all the positive feedback I've gotten and I never expected to get this many reads. I love all of you, my lovely readers. 

John's P.O.V. 

I went back to the flat to pack like Mycroft told me to. I put a few days worth of clothes for both Sherlock and I into a suitcase and grabbed whatever else I thought was important; toothbrushes, my laptop, and Sherlock's violin. I still have no idea what's going on or when to expect the car. I'll just sit and wait until it gets here.

Sherlock's missing and that worries me. He's probably alone with Moriarty and there's no telling what will happen. Mycroft said that they had planned for every possible scenario, but I find it hard to believe that it will be enough. Nothing can stop that man when he puts his mind to something. 

Sherlock's P.O.V.

Ready? -SH

The block is sealed off. Every one is in place. We have visuals on at least 4 of Moriarty's men, Sebastian Moran included.- MH

As much as I disapprove of your discretely taking out targets, this time is important. -SH

We will handle the situation in the most logical  way. They won't be disposed of unless absolutely necessary. -MH

10 minutes. Get the word out to all of your people. -SH

I put my phone back in my coat pocket and lean back against the cabinet in Bart's morgue. Molly sits there quietly, looking concerned. She crosses the room and crouches down next to me, placing her small hand on my shoulder.

"Do you need anything else?"

"Thank you, Molly."

"In all this time, I think this is the first time you've really thanked me."

"I've always been grateful, I just never told you."

"It's alright. I've kind of guessed it... sometimes."

"Thank you for everything. I'm going up there in ten minutes."

"One last thing-"

Molly kisses me on the cheek one last time. I let my head slam into the cabinet behind me. I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready for any of it. What if something happens to me? What will happen to John? I feel my breaths getting shallower and my head starts to spin. 

"Sherlock. Sherlock. Deep breaths. Calm down. Things are going to be ok."

Molly snaps me out of it and I calm down. My breathing goes back to normal and I collect myself. I straighten my scarf and get up. There's no going back now. I climb the stairs and open the door that leads to the roof. 

The bright sunlight pours through the open door, blinding compared to the dull fluorescent light of the morgue. Moriarty is sitting on a ledge on the opposite side of the roof with the song "Staying Alive" playing on his mobile.

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