Chapter 6

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A/N: Ok so this chapter is getting posted a bit late and I'm sorry. I'd meant to finish it earlier, but I procrastinated fell asleep for a few hours. Apologies.

I'm currently off from school (and I'm guessing everyone else in the Midwest is also) so I had a fair amount of time to work on this chapter. I hope you like it.

3rd person

-later that evening-

Things were more than a bit tense in the flat. John was too worried about Sherlock to bring up what happened. Sherlock wasn't ready to face John yet, so he didn't mention it either. They went about their normal things as usual (almost) until Sherlock finally broke the silence.


"One second. I just put the kettle on, I'll be right out with tea. Need anything while I'm in here?"

"A bag of ice would be appreciated."

A moment later, John walks back into the bedroom and sits next to Sherlock. He places the tray with the tea down towards the foot of the bed and hands the bag of ice to Sherlock.

"If you want I could go get more painkillers if you need."

"No I'm fine, John. I need to talk to you."

John started back at him expressionlessly. A short, awkward silence filled the room until Sherlock started speaking again.

"I just wanted to start by saying how sorry I am and I put a great amount of consideration into going alone. I predicted that Moriarty already knew about us and that he would try to use it against me. You are the most important person in my life and I couldn't risk it, even if it meant endangering my own."

"I know you did it to protect me, Sherlock. I get that. I would have done the same in your situation. But I still can't help being mad about it. You put yourself in danger and it kills me to know that I might have been able to do something about it. The part that hurts the most is the fact that you just left in the middle of the night."

"John, I didn't want to lie to you like that. I used to not have a problem with hiding things from you if it kept you safe, but now it kills me. I hated myself for leaving you like that. I know how much it must have hurt you-"

John interrupts him and starts to raise his voice. 

"You don't know anything. You don't understand how worried I was about you. Not even Mycroft knew where you were! When you do things like that, I can only assume the worst. If you died, I can guarantee that I would have joined you."

"Words cannot express how sorry I am, John. This is the most sincere apology I've ever given. I feared for your life far more than I did my own, and that was foolish of me. I didn't think about what would happen to you if something happened to me. I promise you that I will always tell you and bring you for backup at times like that. I really am lost without my blogger."

"You really are."

John leans down and gently kisses Sherlock. The kiss is tender, but filled with all the raw emotion of the last two days.

"I'm still mad at you though. You're lucky it's hard to stay mad at you, or else you'd be sleeping on the couch. Well, I probably would, actually, since you're hurt but that's not the point!"

"Right now I'm a bit thankful for my injuries since it temporarily protects me from the wrath of John H. Watson. I probably deserve a punch in the face, and the last time that happened was not enjoyable."

"You started it last time. And I wouldn't want to break that pretty face of yours. It's already been bruised enough. I'll just assume you've learned your lesson, even though in all reality you definitely have not."

"Don't face Moriarty alone, because either way, one of you is going to try to kill me if I do. Got it."

"Even now you're being a sarcastic arse."

"Oh John, don't be so dramatic. I was only beaten half to death by one of Moriarty's hit men. You should be used to things like this by now."

"I may be used to it, but it won't make me any less upset when this happens."

John kisses Sherlock again, this time more desperately. He tangles his hands deep in Sherlock's curls and Sherlock wraps his arms around John's neck. The last kiss was filled with tender relief, but this one is filled with desire and fear. After a moment, they part and Sherlock pulls John into a not too tight hug. 

"Want to go make deductions about people on crap telly?"

"I'm bored and I'm guessing you won't let me work on any cases until I get better. Why not?"

"That sounds fun. And maybe we can work something out with the live stream over a webcam like that one case with the hiker and the car. It would have to be after you're well enough to function without me here, though."

John carries the lanky detective into the sitting room and gently puts him down on the couch. He then walks back to their bedroom to get the tea that they didn't drink earlier. They start off watching a stupid reality show, but after about five minutes Sherlock gives up on watching it because they're "all idiots" and "monkeys could make more intelligent decisions". After all the shows with real people to deduce had been exhausted, they give up and switch to Doctor Who. It's the only thing Sherlock will watch willingly. 

After three episodes, Sherlock is falling asleep and John carries him back into their bedroom. He puts Sherlock down and then changes into pajamas (Sherlock kept his pajamas on all day) and joined him. 

"John, could you get me some more pain killers?"

"Sure, love."

John kisses him on the head and leaves the room. He returns a moment later with the familiar orange bottle and a glass of water. He takes the pills and John crawls back into bed. Sherlock curls up next to John and falls asleep with his head on John's chest. 

Everything is back to normal. John runs his fingers through Sherlock's hair before whispering an "I love you" and shutting his eyes. 

Yay everything's better! I promised it would be. Now for a few more chapters of happy feels with no mishaps. (Did you enjoy the little crossover there towards the end? ;D) I really wanted to make things cute and fluffy and it's going to stay that way for a while.

I'm off school again tomorrow, so I will probably break the cycle and post another chapter tomorrow night (it will probably be later in the evening). I started working on a new project (it's going to be a Teen!lock fic) and I'm really hoping to get the first chapter posted by the end of the week.

I really hope everyone is still enjoying this story. I hope this chapter made things better for all of you. I love your faces. See you next chapter!


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