Chapter 18

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A/N: This is the last real chapter of this story. I've gotten over 2k reads and that makes me really happy! Thank you so much for all the love and support I've gotten over the past month!

I got out of school early because it's snowing a lot and I've been really motivated to get the last chapter up because I don't want to leave you with a cliff hanger. This chapter is also going to be up at a reasonable time.

I hope all of you like this last chapter and think the way I resolved things makes sense (this chapter is going to have different things in it like Mycroft's P.O.V. to make it fit together). 

Mycroft's P.O.V.


"John is here. He's outside."

"What? Calm down, Ms. Hooper."

"John called me. He is outside the hospital. Do something. Oh this is bad."

John was supposed to be in the flat. He promised his full cooperation and now he's gone and ruined it all. My mind races as I go through solutions. 

"I need all snipers. Now."

"Yes, sir."

"Snipers in Bart's- keep an eye on John and look for anyone suspicious. What's happening with Morairty's men?"

"One of them is assembling a sniper rifle."

"Does he have a clear shot on either of them?"

"Yes, sir."

"Take him out. Now."

Sherlock's P.O.V.

"I love you so much. Goodbye, John."


I drop my phone onto the roof and take a deep breath in. I don't know when I started crying, but I bring my hand to my cheek and it's wet with tears. Moriarty is still standing behind my with a big grin on his face. I take a step forward, getting ready to jump, and-

Mycroft and his men bust through the door to the roof. I had to catch myself before I lost my footing. I'm too stunned and upset to comprehend what's going on. Mycroft's men surround 

"Sherlock! Step away from the edge."

"Bad move, Myc. You just killed Johnny boy down there." Moriarty smiles and motions taking a gun to his head and pulling the trigger.

"The sniper you had placed across the street has been taken care of. The other three men you had surrounding the building have been taken into custody." One of Mycroft's men walks up and handcuffs Moriarty. 

"Capturing me won't change things. Torturing me won't make me talk. If you kill me, my entire web will remain intact."

"We've already accounted for that." Moriarty is taken away -very heavily guarded- and put into a black panel van. 

"Where's John?"

"Safe. We had a car take him away as soon as possible. You'll be taken there as soon as we're finished here."

"Thank you, Mycroft."

I pick up my mobile from where it dropped onto the roof. I have to call John just to make sure he's safe.

"Sherlock? Are you alright? What happened?"

"I'm fine, John. Mycroft handled things before I was going to jump."

"I thought you were-" John's voice catches in his throat. "I thought you were dead."

"Still alive and well. I'll be there soon."

"You better."

I hang up and turn to Mycroft again. He's talking to one of his men, clearly one higher up.

"Can I leave?"

"There's a car waiting for you outside the entrance. You'll be taken to the safe house that John is at. Of course you'll both have to be kept there for a while until we've gotten rid of any threat from Moriarty's web."

"Thank you again, Mycroft."

"Are we showing brotherly affection now?"

"You saved my life. And it was different this time. I do appreciate you, sometimes. Your position has certainly been helpful."

"Of course, little brother. Look past our childish feud and we're still family."

Mycroft sticks his hand out and I pull him into a hug. He stiffens, surprised by the sudden embrace, but eventually relaxes are returns the hug. 

"I am glad you're not dead, Sherlock."

I flash a brief smile at Mycroft before turning to leave. I stop by the morgue on my way down to thank Molly. When I get there, she pulls me into a tight hug as a tear of joy runs down her cheek.

"I don't know what I'd do with all those heads if you weren't around to come take them."

I thank her again and rush down to the car. I'm so anxious to see John. It must have killed him, seeing me about to jump. All I can think about on the ride over is how he must have felt. The ride feels like it takes ages, which is only partly because of my impatience. The safe house John and I are staying at is a large house far outside the city surrounded by several acres of land. I open the door before the car stops rolling. 


"Sherlock! I'm in here!"

I race into the sitting room and find John. His eyes are red and his face is wet with tears. I walk up to him and dry his cheek before pulling him close.

"I thought you were dead. They put me in the car as soon as the call ended. I thought they took me away to keep me from seeing you jump."

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"Stop apologizing and kiss me."

I wrap my still-shaking hands around John's face and pull him in for a kiss. The kiss is desperate, both of us gasping for air. 

"I missed you."

"Shut up, Sherlock."

John pulled me back in and kissed me again. God I missed him. He's safe. I'm not dead. Everything is fine and we're together. 

"Don't you ever do something that fucking stupid again."

"No promises, but I'll try."

"You're impossible."

"But you love me anyway."


There. Happy ending. Yay. Sorry this chapter was a little shorter than the rest. I'm going to post a couple chapters of epilogue just because I want to make this story have a happy ending with lots of fluff. The first part of that should be up Friday. 

I really hope you guys liked this whole story. I had a lot of fun writing this and have been completely thrilled by the reactions I've gotten. I think now I'm going to make my teenlock fic my main story and then start another short story. I will see you all in the epilogue. 


**Stay tuned for the epilogue ;D

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