Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry I'm posting this so late (its like 2:30 AM but it still counts as Tuesday night for me because I havent gone to bed yet!) I promised you guys a chapter, so I'm going to deliver. There will still be a proper Wednesday chapter tomorrow (/later today) as well. I was a bit busy today and didn't get a chance to get on the computer to write this until now. 

I really hope you guys will like this chapter. No more angst for now. 

Sherlock's P.O.V.

-a week later- 

I've recovered fairly well in the past week. I'm strong enough to walk around the flat without John's help. We've decided to start looking for cases that I can work on over a webcam from home. The bruising on my face has reduced considerably and my ribs aren't constantly hurting every time I move (only a slight improvement though; it still hurts like hell). 

John's been worrying about me like he does; always getting things for me and asking if I need anything. I'll miss that part of this once everything goes back to normal. The one thing I won't miss is the constant attention from everyone that's not John. Even Mycroft has been concerned about me since I was in the hospital. He even said he's going to stop by sometime...

I'm bored out of my mind in the flat. I haven't been able to work on cases and John won't get me any more body parts to experiment on. I can't play my violin because it hurts too much. I've gotten into the habit of laying in bed and waiting for John to bring me tea and come talk to me. I'll even watch crap telly with him even though it's ghastly (I'm just that bored). 

I'm lying across the entire couch in the sitting room when John joins me. He doesn't want to bother trying to move me, so he just picks up my legs, sits down, and then puts them back down on his lap. 


"Just thought I'd join you for a while. I've got nothing to do, you look bored. We should watch something. Doctor Who or a movie maybe?"

"What movie? If it's something romantic and silly, I'm not watching it."

"I was going to suggest we watch a murder mystery or something. Although you'd figure it out within minutes and spoil it."

"A very reasonable fear. Let's watch Doctor Who. It's always a safe bet."

John puts Doctor Who on and we just let it play for hours. At some point, we'd both fallen asleep because we ended up several episodes ahead of what we last remembered watching. 

The doorbell rang and we heard the sound of Mrs. Hudson's greeting followed by footsteps coming up the stairs. Greg Lestrade walked in the door followed by Mycroft. 

"Evening," I grumble at them (mainly towards Mycroft).

"I wondered why you hadn't been asking about any murders. Mycroft told me about what happened with you being in the hospital and all."

"Yes how sweet of him. You two have been rather close lately. Work related? Unlikely. Mycroft and all his spies wouldn't need help from Scotland Yard. Personal? Mycroft doesn't have friends. That only leaves one thing; you two have been romantically involved."

Greg shifts uncomfortably and Mycroft's face reddens. 

"The fact that you're showing up together means it's more than just casual sex. Oh no, you're a couple now and want to be seen as a couple... but, you don't want to be seen as a couple in front of people that you don't greatly trust. John and I are obvious choices, though I'm not sure if it's because I'm your younger brother or because of the recent announcement of our own homosexual relationship. Probably a combination of the two."

Mycroft and Greg glance at each other awkwardly, being careful not to make eye contact with John and I. John sits for a moment with a confused look on his face.

"So wait... you two... are a couple? Like a couple couple? Have I been missing something recently? I wasn't even sure you two had been properly introduced in a not-Mycroft-spying-on-you kind of way."

"Yes John, do keep up. Sorry to let the cat out of the bad. Or in this case closet. You know me, no filter. What's the meaning of this visit, dear brother?"

"We wanted to check on you and see how you are recovering."

Greg finally looked up from the spot where his eyes were previously glued to the floor. "Oh um, yeah, and we wanted to tell you that all of out best people are looking for Moriarty."

"That won't do any good. You know he won't be found unless he wants to be. Sorry that was uncalled for. I've been more than a bit grouchy since I've been cooped up in here for a week."

John's P.O.V.

This evening was quite interesting. Mycroft and Greg are together. I had no idea either of them were gay (I guess I can't really be surprised by that since I considered myself straight until Sherlock changed that). Mycroft seems genuinely worried about Sherlock. Sherlock isn't insulting his brother every chance he gets (he's actually kind of happy they came since he got to make an embarrassing deduction about the two of them). I swear this is all a dream and I'm going to wake up and none of this will have ever happened. 

Sherlock's getting better. It's gotten to the point where he doesn't need me every second (even though he's still abusing the fact that he's hurt and I'll get him anything he wants). Everything's been rough, but things are starting to go back to normal. We're going to find him a case to work on from home. Nothing's been broken, even with Sherlock bored in the flat all week. 

-two hours later-

"I'm glad that's over. The flat's a mess and if they'd stayed much longer, I would have had to make dinner for the four of us."

"Oh no, the dreaded dinner. I'm guessing you want to order Chinese food?"

"Of course. And you're still recovering, you need to rest. No excitement." I made sure too put a lot of sarcasm into the second part. 

I order food for the two of us and we watch Doctor Who until it get's here. I go to the door, pay, and return with a bag full of warm, orange chicken goodness. We eat on the couch and don't even bother with plates or anything. 

After we both finished our food, Sherlock started to fall asleep on the couch. I carefully picked him up and carried him to the bedroom in a way that wouldn't wake him. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep like that. It's like none of the bad things with Moriarty ever happened. I crawl into bed beside Sherlock and I fall asleep shortly after.

"Goodnight, love."

Wooo throwing in some Mystrade! It won't be a big part of this story, just putting it out there so now Greg might be in more scenes. And I mentioned Doctor Who again. 

I'm going to upload another chapter Wednesday afternoon/evening. It will be a bit longer than this chapter too (I'm still off from school because of the subzero temperatures). The next chapter after that will be a regular part of the Monday-Wednesday-Friday cycle. 

I really hoped you liked this chapter. I always want to know what you guys think. I love your faces and I will see you next chapter.


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