Chapter 11

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A/N: Ok so I started writing this chapter early, so it should be up on time. I've gotten almost 500 reads! That makes me so happy! I love your faces! I'm going to write a lot more tonight and then make sure the next several chapters are really long and well edited and good. Words cannot express. 

I'm really excited about that, if you couldn't tell. These next few chapters won't be posted at like 1am. I hope everyone likes this chapter. Prepare your feels because the happy, villain-free hiatus is over.

Sherlock's P.O.V.

I should tell John, but what do I tell him? The most dangerous man in the world will most likely successfully execute the most destructive terrorist attack in history, try (and maybe even succeed) to kill me, and destroy everything I love? How am I supposed to say that to him? 

I know I have to tell him... I just... can't. I can't cause him to worry about it constantly up until it happens. He needs to know, though. His life might be in danger if he's not prepared and mine certainly will be if I don't have John by my side. We're Hatman and Robin, after all. 

I spend another few hours fretting until the sun starts to rise. I didn't sleep at all. John's going to worry if he sees that I haven't slept. I need to get up and do something, make it seem like I woke up early in the morning and wasn't able to get back to sleep. That will hardly fool him, but at least it's something.

Would the news be more palatable with breakfast? Can I even make breakfast? What do I use to make breakfast? I'm so incredibly lost that I end up going on a computer and researching "breakfast". Look at me, I'm so nervous that I'm cooking. And cooking for another person so they feel better. Is this really what love does to someone?

After doing my research, I go back to the kitchen and start on breakfast. I need.... Eggs! Yes, eggs! And bread. Bread and sausage. Jam for toast? Fruit? Coffee! I should make coffee! That way John won't be suspicious about why I seem fully awake this early in the morning. Yes, brilliant. 

I cook all the food and then evenly put it onto two plates. After pouring coffee for both of us, I put everything on a tray and carry it into the bedroom. John usually wakes up around this time, too. He's still sleeping when I set the tray down and sit next to him on the bed. 

I really don't want to tell him. Everything's been great between us and it's about to go into chaos. This is the first time in my life that I've been truly happy and I fear it's going to end...

"Good morning, John."

"Mmh Sherlock? What are you doing up?" John mumbles groggily. 

"I woke up about an hour ago and couldn't get back to sleep. I sort of... made breakfast?"

"You made breakfast? Really"

I shrug and nod towards the tray of food. It makes sense that John is surprised. I'm surprised too. I guess everything is just this mixed up right now. We eat out breakfast, and I can hardly hold still. I feel like I'm going to explode. If I don't say it, John will notice that I'm worrying and then when I finally tell him, he'll think that I'd been hiding it from him. That would just make it worse, so I should come out and say it.

"John. I need to tell you something."


"I was contacted... by a certain... acquaintance. One that will be the cause of lots of trouble in the days to come. I had to tell you, because when I didn't last time, things went terribly."

"Wait, what? You mean he's back? Moriarty? When did you find out?"

"Last night. I didn't want to keep you up worrying, so I decided to wait until this morning."

"Does Mycroft know?"

"I didn't say anything to him, but he most likely has people watching every message that goes through my phone. Odds are he already knows."

"Well, what do we do about it? What's he planning?"

"I fear that he will try to hurt or possibly even kill me. And to hurt me, he'll try to hurt you."

"I'm not going to let him kill you. I will not let it happen."

"We both know if that's what Moriarty's planning, there will be no stopping it."

"What about Mycroft? Can't he do something?"

"Even if he kills or imprisons Moriarty, he still has the rest of his web."

"Ask him anyway. If your life is in danger, he has to do something!"

"John, you are the biggest idiot I have ever met. I tell you that he's most likely going to try to hurt you, and you're worried about my life."

"I'm not an idiot, I'm in love. What do you think I'd do without you?"

"I don't know. Spend your time being a doctor and helping people?"

"You're the idiot, idiot."

John's P.O.V.

Sherlock can be so blind to things like this. He's an idiot, but I can't help but love him. For some weird reason, him telling me that Moriarty might try to kill him just makes me realize I love him even more. I realize how much I'd miss him and all his quirky antics. 

I don't want to talk about this anymore. I just want to spend time with him. If things are going to get worse, then I want to take advantage of all the time we have until then. 

"Sherlock, I know things are going to get worse, but can we stop talking about it? I want to spend time with you when we're not being all gloomy."

"I just thought I should tell you because I didn't last time and-"

I cut Sherlock off by sealing his lips in a kiss. He tries so hard with me. He's never cared about the feelings of anyone, but he always tries to make things better for me. He tries to keep me from worrying and protect me. He still can't see that he's the one who needs protecting. I break the kiss and pull Sherlock down onto the bed next to me.

"Let's be lazy today. Pajamas, Doctor Who, Chinese food. Just us. No worrying about things."

"That sounds nice, John. I wanted to make this morning nicer with breakfast... Well, I tried to make breakfast at least. It didn't really go as planned."

"No, no. Breakfast was great. You even had my favorite jam for the toast. I was very impressed."

Sherlock gave me the biggest, cutest grin I've ever seen. He was so proud of the fact that he made breakfast and praise from me made him light up brighter than when he solves a case. If only he knew how cute his face was. 

We walk into the sitting room and I put the dishes in the kitchen while Sherlock puts on Doctor Who. We settle into the sofa and Sherlock is laying with his long, thin limbs draped around me. Halfway through the second episode, I hear soft snoring coming from behind me. Knowing Sherlock, he probably didn't sleep at all last night. Oh Sherlock...

There will be more drama in the next several chapters. Moriarty is a bad bad boy. Something's going to blow up. There will be a bit more smut. It won't be all bad all the time, don't worry. 

The next chapter will be up on Friday. I'm going to a Sherlock-themed party thing where we're going to watch the Series 3 premier and have Moriar-Tea and biscuits. I'm obviously dressing up as Sherlock (again). 

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