Chapter 9

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A/N: Sorry I post chapter so late. I'm trying to get better about it, but for now you should probably expect to just read them the next morning if you're not nocturnal like I am. 230 reads on this story so far! I'm really excited about that because people actually care! I got some positive feedback and I'm really glad you're still liking this.  I love your faces!

So I made it through a two day school week. It was very exciting (not). I have a new class this semester and it's seriously just Photoshop and video editing and there are 5 people in the class (and the teacher is young and cool and sarcastic). It's great.

I really hope you like this next chapter. John and Sherlock's Valentine's Day date. It's going to be a big bag of cute. :D

John's P.O.V.

The reservations were made a few days ago, I've already gotten our suits from the cleaners, and I have a bottle of champagne and some chocolate covered strawberries for when we get back (I know, they sort of fall under the 'cheesy Valentine's day category', but they're good). Now I just have to get Sherlock ready. 

It wouldn't hurt if he shaved again; he's gotten a little stubble since the other day (the annoying kind that itches when I kiss him). Shirts need to be pressed. What tie should I wear? I'm getting way to worried about this. The only time I've ever felt the need to really iron a shirt is if I have a wedding to go to!

I should just stop worrying about it. Everything is going to go according to plan. We're going to look nice and get there on time and everything will go smoothly. Get a hold of yourself, John. You can do this. It's not that hard.

Or what if it is? It's a nice date with Sherlock Holmes. I'm sure his etiquette at formal dinners is far better than mine. What if I do something embarrassing? Stop it! Stop worrying about everything! Everything is going to be fine!

Sherlock walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table (that's not covered in lab equipment and body parts, thank god). I turn off the stove and divide the eggs and toast onto two plates. I turn to put the kettle on and then get a glass of orange juice to drink with breakfast. 

"Good morning. I never expected you to be up this early. I usually have another two or three hours of peace."

"If it bothers you, I can go back to bed."

"No, no. I'm just surprised. I don't think I've ever seen you up before 11 unless you just didn't bother going to bed the night before. It's a pleasant surprise."

"I was half awake and it smelled good so I though I'd join you."

"I'm glad. I've gotten everything ready for tonight. Checked with the restaurant to make sure everything's in order with the reservation. And I got us a bottle of wine. Our suits are clean. We can just relax for a while until we have to get cleaned up and dressed."

"Good. I don't really feel like doing much today. Let's just watch doctor who for several hours straight and lie around all day. Until dinner, that is. Then we can celebrate Valentine's day like you want."


 "You look very handsome. As always."

Sherlock looked amazing. His dark curls gently cascaded around his head and his bright blue eyes seemed more brilliant than normal. His tight white shirt clung to the creamy, fair skin of his neck and the well-tailored suit fit him in all the right places. Sherlock's known for his good suits, but this one is particularly breathtaking. Don't even get me started on those pants. I have never seen an arse that great in my entire life. He looks like a marble statue of a Greek god.

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