Chapter 16

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A/N: Hello lovelies! I'm just updating this story Monday and Friday for the last couple of chapters. I've gotten over 1.5k reads and that makes me so happy! I love your faces! 

This chapter is going to be the beginning of the end. I'm going to split the end into three chapters like I had planned.

Sherlock's P.O.V.

Today's the day. I don't know what to do except wait. John and I haven't talked much at all today. He just picked at his food during breakfast, he didn't wake me up with tea and biscuits like he usually does. We're both just waiting. 

Neither of us are saying it, but we can both read what the other is thinking. I love you. I can't let anything bad happen to you. I'm terrified when I think about what might happen. John is tense; more tense than I've ever seen him before. I've put him in all sorts of stressful situations and he's never reacted like this. 

My mobile chimed with a new text alert. John noticed it too.

I'm waiting. -JM

John stares at me for a second before asking who it was from. I come up with a lie as calmly as I can. 

"Mycroft. He wants me to meet him to discuss last minute details."

"And I'm not allowed to come?"

"I'm sorry, John."

"Just go. It's fine. Well, not fine, but- just go."


I don't know what else to say to him. He's upset and there's nothing I can do. I grab my coat and turn to leave, grabbing my mobile out of my pocket. I send a reply to Moriarty.

Where? -SH

Pick a rooftop. -JM

Bart's. 4 PM. -SH

I'm impatient. -JM

I have things to do first. Goodbyes. I'm a dead man walking after all. -SH

Be there or your little toy will be filleted. -JM

I angrily shove my phone into my pocket. I need to go to Scottland Yard. I need some favors. 

John's P.O.V. 

Sherlock left. He just left. I don't know if he's going to come back. I didn't even say goodbye to him...

The sound of the door opening startles me and I spin around, hoping that it's Sherlock. The person I see in the door is even more confusing.



"Where's Sherlock? He said he went to go see you."

"I assure you he didn't. When did he leave?"

"About an hour ago, maybe."

"Damn it, Sherlock. He left -on his own- an hour ago?"

"Yes. And I have no idea where he is because he told me he was going to see you."

"Tell me if you hear anything. I'm going to try to find him."

"Please hurry, Mycroft."

Mycroft leaves the flat and I'm left alone. Again. Except this time I know that he's not safe. I can't just sit around here, but I could make things worse if I tried to help him. This entire situation is so delicate. I don't want to wait, but I need to be ready for when Mycroft needs me for my part of the plan.

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