Chapter 4

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A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is going to have some more trouble with Moriarty and angsty feels. Don't hate me. I have no idea how long this chapter is going to be yet (the last one was a bit longer than the previous ones) I may put it all into one big chapter or stretch it out a bit. I'm not sure.

I hope you like this next chapter and I always really want to know what you guys think about it so far.

John's P.O.V.

I woke up to bright sunlight streaming in through the window. As I stretch, I turn over to see that Sherlock's side of the bed is empty. The sheets are cold. He probably didn't sleep at all last night, so he'll probably be grumpy this morning. I should really get up and go make some coffee...

I get out of bed and groggily pull on a dressing gown (I didn't check to see whose it was). I stumble into the kitchen and start making the coffee.

"Sherlock, love, would you like some coffee? I'm guessing you didn't sleep last night."

No response. I walk into the sitting room to see if he's asleep on the couch. Of course he isn't. He's probably in the bathroom.


Still no reply. Shit. I rush around to find my phone and frantically call Mycroft.

"Do you know where Sherlock is?"

"No. The last I heard of him was when he sent me a text last night."

"Did he say anything to you that would tell you where he went?!"

"He said Moriarty was back. Is he not with you?"

"No, he's not. It looks like he's been gone all night."

"Then he obviously went to go find Moriarty."

Dammit Sherlock! Why didn't he tell me he was going to go find Moriarty?! And why didn't he bring me along with him? I don't know if I should be furious at him or worried about him. Why does he always run off and do such stupid things?


Still no Sherlock. I don't even know how long I've been pacing around the flat. I've tried texting him and calling him probably close to a hundred times by now. Why the hell won't he answer?

I knew it. He's gotten himself into trouble. And I'm not there to save him... I promised I would take care of him and I've let him face the most dangerous man in the world on his own. I can't help but be mad at myself as well as Sherlock right now. My phone starts ringing and I pick it up faster than I thought was humanly possible.

"John, have you heard anything about Sherlock?"

It's just Mycroft. There goes my last shred of hope. If Mycroft hasn't been able to find him, he's definitely in trouble.

"No I haven't. You haven't found him either?"

"We're still working on it."

"Yes, very helpful. Thank you, Mycroft. Good bye!"

Where the hell is he?!

Sherlock's P.O.V.

-several hours earlier-

I found the door from the picture and cautiously opened it. The door led to a large, dimly-lit warehouse in an old deserted industrial area. I take a few steps into the building and look around for Moriarty or his snipers.

"I'm here to play. Where are you?"

The rest of the industrial fluorescent lights flick on and I see Moriarty and another tall, blond-haird man is standing next to him. Sebastian Moran, I'm guessing from the strong build, many visible scars, and sniper rifle.

"What do you want?"

"Oh Sherlock. Why would I do a silly thing like tell you? That's no fun at all."

Moriarty was using his unnerving playful voice; the one he gets when he's planning something and he's showing off how clever he is.

"Why am I here? This isn't your style."

"Just to keep you thinking, Sherly. You're intrigued. Why else would you come here at this time of night?"

"Here I am. You won't tell me anything else so I guess I'll be on my way."

I turn around to walk towards the door when a knife whizzes by right next to my ear and sticks in the wall ahead of me.

"Oh no no no. We aren't done here. I'm not going to tell you anything, but we haven't had any fun yet."

"Please, start this 'fun'. I insist."

"Seb, baby, could you?"

Seb raises his sniper rifle and points it directly at my head.

"You know that if you try anything clever, your brains will be painted across the wall before you even have a chance to get out of the way. I suggest you play along."

"What did you have in mind?"

"You're going to get on your knees and put your hands behind your head. Then you're going to promise me that you won't tell that big brother of yours what I'm up to."

"And if I don't?"

Seb walks over to me and roughly grabs the front of my shirt.

"If you don't, I can guarentee that Johnny boy will get much worse than you're about to. Seb, darling, could you finish up here?"

Still holding onto my shirt, Seb forcefully slams his knee into my stomach. Before I have time to react, the butt of his rifle smashes into my face. I fall and my head crashes into the floor. Seb kicks me in the ribs several times before I black out...


The sun is barely starting to rise and I have no idea where I am. I'm disoriented for a moment before I figure out that they left me on a bench a few blocks away from the flat. How nice of them. I start to asses the damage done to my body. I reach up and touch the area above my lip. Bloody. One eye is swollen. My entire chest aches every time I take a breath. I can't move the fingers on my right hand. I can tell it's not life threatening, but I need John's opinon on more of the details.

I doze off for another hour or two until it starts to get busy on the street. I decide to stumble back to the flat.

I get back to the flat and fight my way up the stairs. I give up halfway because my ribs hurt too much.


"Sherlock? Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick about-"

John freezes when he sees me lying on the staircase. His face drops and he rushes over to me and starts to check for injuries.

"My ribs... hurt... a lot..."

"At least one is fractured. Others are probably bruised. It looks like three of the fingers in your right hand are broken. That looks like the only serious ones. The rest probably just hurts like hell."

"Yes, brilliant deduction, John."

"You wait there and I'm going to throw a pair of jeans on. Then I'm rushing you to the hospital."

"It's not like I have much of a choice."

I'm sorry about this chapter! Please don't hate me! I warned you about trouble with Moriarty.

Everything was all nice and happy with John and Sherlock and then I went and messed it up. I'm sorry. Don't stop reading. It will get better I promise. It's just going to be a wee bit painful for the next chapter and then it will have more happy Johnlock.

I will probably post the next update on Saturday. I'm trying to post a lot to make up for the fact that I'll have to post less once school starts.

I really hope you didn't completely hate this chapter and that you don't hate me for writing this chapter. I still love you I'm sorry.

I hope everyone still enjoys this deep down (even though it's painful). I will see you next chapter!


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