Time Together (2)

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For the next couple of hours, Dei and I spend our time moving, unpacking, rearranging, and repeating. I had also secretly turned the room next door to ours into our art room, just like I had at home, but this one was so much bigger, about double the size of my last.

Half was mine, and the other half was Deidara's, which he was happy about because he used to keep all of his stuff in the room he shared with Sasori, which apparently, was very crowded. By now, it was fairly dark out, so that means we had practically been working all day, and we were rather tired, but completely done with moving.

"Isn't there a waterfall near this base?" I ask Dei, who is now flopped down on the bed face down, completely exhausted. He turns his head towards me with a look of confusion on his face.

"Yeah, hm. How did you know that?" He asks, now fully sitting up. I sigh heavily and walk over to him, and sit in his lap while facing him, and wrap my arms around his neck so we were face to face.

"I just had a hunch. So, do you wanna go? I mean, we aren't going to have much time together for a while since I want to start training tomorrow, bright and early to achieve my goals for this world." I say as I place kisses on his face in between pauses.

He smiles at me and nods his head yes, so we get up, inform Pain that we were leaving, and then went out of the base. Sure enough, we were at the base where they extracted the one tailed jinchuriki from Gaara, and this base was surrounded by water.

"Since you don't know how to focus your chakra to your feet yet, we'll fly on one of my birds, hm." Deidara says as he puts his hand in his pouch and his mouths begins chewing furiously at the white substance. A couple of seconds later, it spits out a ball and Dei closes his hands, then opens them again to reveal a beautiful white dove.

"Katsu!" He yells after he throws it up in the air, ultimately making it much bigger so we could ride on it. I stared at the creature in awe as its wings flapped. Excitement builds up inside of me, and I can barely contain it. I grab Dei's hand and jump up and down childishly.

"Oh my god, they're even prettier in person! Let's go! I want to see it up close!" I yell excitedly as I pull Deidara forward, almost knocking him off of the large log we were standing on. He chuckles at my childish antics and picks me up, then leaps up into the air, landing perfectly on the white bird. It was a lot softer than I expected it to be, it almost felt like a marshmallow. The bird then took off in the direction of, where I'm guessing the waterfall is.

It felt absolutely magical seeing the greenery from up above with the cool evening wind whipping through my blue hair, and Dei smiling at all of my different reactions. It was also adrenaline inducing as well. We were moving at such a fast pace, and the only form of safety being my tight grip on the clay bird. I giggle maniacally at the though of me falling off, but the odd stare from Dei causes me to stop and laugh a bit more sheepishly.

"We're here, hm." Dei says as the bird starts to descend toward the ground, causing me to grip a bit more tightly at the sudden downward movement. I couldn't see the waterfall just yet, but I didn't question it. We landed on the ground and Dei helped me off, like a gentleman might I add.

He kept his fingers interlocked with mine and began walking off while pulling me behind him. The trees began to get much thicker, and then they cut off all at once because on the clearing was the most gorgeous scenery I'd ever see. Prettier than any tumblr picture or post card. I gasp at the clear blue water, and the flowery meadow surrounding it.

"Dei this is gorgeous. I don't even want to sit down in fear that I might fuck something up!" I say as I cautiously walk through the grass, careful not to step on any flowers. Dei chuckles as he follows behind me closely.

"Well, if we do, we can ask Zetsu to help out with it. You know, this could be our spot, hm." Dei says as we find a small clear area with no flowers and sit there. I look up at him and smile, and he does the same and wraps an arm around my shoulders. I sigh and lean into him, his warmth immediately infiltrating my body. I sigh in content and lean into him more.

"Sit on me, like you were doing earlier, it's a lot more comfortable." He says and begins to tug at my arms to pull me in his lap. I chuckle at him and sit on his lap again. I then wrap my legs around his waist, arms around his neck, and head on his shoulder.

"Sure, that's exactly why you want me to sit like this. Not because my boobs are in your face or anything, right?" I ask him and laugh as his face turns red.

"N-no! I wasn't even thinking about that!" Deidara yells and I laugh even harder at his embarrassment.

"Are you sure? You seem to be so... hormonal lately." I say as I kiss up his neck. He groans lightly and pulls the ends of my hair while letting me continue the assault on his neck. His hands go under my shirt and run over my sides, his hand brushing a certain spot on my left side the causes me to gasp and moan lightly.

"Your turn on spot is your side? Huh, I'll have to remember that, hm." He says as he takes the opportunity to suck on my throat, over my collar bones, and down to my cleavage, but he abruptly stops.

"You know, I wasn't lying." He says and looks at me with lust filled eyes, but he's obviously holding himself back.

"Lying about what Dei?" I ask him as I attempt to catch my breath from our previous actions.

"About why I like sitting in this position. I really wasn't thinking of your boobs in my face, you know. I like sitting like this because I can hear your heart, and it matches in sync perfectly with mine." Deidara says, completely serious. My eyes go wide at his speech. I didn't know that he could be this deep, and not even use his speech impediment.

"Dei, is that real? Is it really why you like me sitting like this?" I ask him, completely astonished, because, well,  he's a guy, and most guys have certain tendencies.

"Yes, hm. I wouldn't lie to you." Dei says as he places his head on my on shoulder. I sigh happily and hug him close while twirling the ends of his hair around my fingers.

"I love you Deidara. So much." I say to him dreamily. Deidara jerks his head up and stares at me in shock. I look at him confused for a moment and his face breaks out in a goofy smile.

"You said my full name, so I know you're being serious. As serious as you can get, too. I love you more. So much." He says and envelopes my body with his in a tight grip. It is now getting rather dark outside, so I decided that we needed to go.

"Hey Dei, it's getting kind of late. We should go, Itachi is gonna be up early as hell wanting to train me." I say. He sighs and nods his head before getting up off of the ground and pulling me with him. We then get back on his bird to go back to the base, turning in for the night.

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