Malnutrition (10)

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One week. One week was all it took for Sasuke to kill Orochimaru. Fucking pedophile.

When they approached us, we were all outside doing our training rotations like we had been doing for the whole week, learning and building on each other's skills. Itachi said that I was somewhat skilled in everything now, except genjutsu. I fucking suck at genjutsu. But ninjutsu and taijutsu I'm alright at, and weaponry, and long range, which is rare for someone who just started training a little over a week ago.

"HEY SASUKE! Wow! Suigetsu you look even cooler in person!" I yell excitedly as I reach out to touch his tooth that stuck out of his mouth, but I was jerked back and spun around by a jealous looking Deidara.

Everyone began chuckling at Deidara and I, while I pouted slightly. Suigetsu was, and still is one of my favorite characters.

"Hello Jugo, lovely to meet you." I say, reaching over Deidara's shoulder to shake his hand, which he looked at oddly but took it, I did most of the shaking. Karin fumed silently at the lack of recognition. I smirked and turned around, completely ignoring her.

"Is she a whore or something? She lives in a base full of guys and only takes notice to them-" Karin begins but I cut her off.

"Do you guys hear something? It's a really fucking annoying buzzing in my ear that sounds like a useless bitch face that throws itself at a certain Uchiha." I snarl and everyone bursts out laughing, even Sasuke chuckles a singular time, and Karin turns a shade of red brighter than her hair.

"Now that I've assessed the useless excuse of an Uzumaki, allow me to introduce you, team whatever Hebi, Taka something, to the Akatsuki. This is Obito Uchiha, leader of the Akatsuki. And then there's Itachi, then Kisame Hoshigaki, Suigetsu you should know, then this is Sasori the puppet and poison master, this is Zetsu, and Kakuzu and Hidan, and Pain and Konan, then finally, this is my- my Deidara." I say, not really sure of what to call him while patting his head lightly.

"And this is my Haleigh, so paws off Uchiha, Hozuki, and whatever your name is, hm." Deidara says, arms still around me. I roll my eyes, a large smile spread on my lips. Sasuke and Jugo glare while Suigetsu looks slightly disappointed. I laugh lightly then turn around and peck Dei on the cheek, then face the newbies again.

"Alright listen up fresh meat. One by one, I'll pair you up with a sparring partner according to your chakra natures. No objections, or you'll fight me, and if you'd seen what I did to Sasuke, you wouldn't want that." I say and smirk as Sasuke glared at me.

"What are you talking about, you fought Sasuke, and you're still alive?" Suigetsu asked. My smirk grew and I planted my gaze on him.

"Alive, well, and walked away without a single scratch on my body. Now, Sasuke I already know what you are, and you'll be with Itachi and Kakuzu. Suigetsu you're gonna be with Kisame. Karin, you're with Konan since I know she'll go easy on you, and Jugo, you'll be with Hidan, since you can't really kill him. Alright, disperse, and then we rotate." I call out and hums and grunts of agreement ring out as everyone left pairs up and trains in the areas they lack most.

Training was now in full swing, and everything was good until I saw Sasuke getting a bit too serious with Itachi. I used the emotion sadness to slow Sasuke down before panting heavily and walking over to him.

"Sasuke, you aren't with Orochimaru anymore, chill out a little bit." I say as I continue to pant before leaving Sasuke and Itachi and get back to my fight.

It had been a good thirty minutes and I was currently fighting Obito, and he was completely oblivious to the fact that I was exhausted, and he kept going at the same pace as I gradually slowed down. From his fight with Sasori, Dei noticed and told Sasori to stop, which he did. The world then began to get fuzzy, and dark too, so Dei ran and caught me before I hit the ground.

"You have plenty of chakra and no fatal wounds. Why're you- oh God, Haleigh have you been eating and drinking properly, hm?!?" Deidara yells. It feels like I'm half asleep. I shake my head no. Training makes me lose my appetite. Before I can register what is happening, a hot liquid runs down my throat, then a cool liquid, and I pass out completely.

Deidara's POV:

"She's dehydrated and lacking some vital nutrients. Give her this, brat. It'll make her go to sleep, but she'll be fine in an hour or so." Sasori says as he walks through the crowd of people now surrounding her body. I take the vial of black liquid and pour it down her throat, then take the water bottle Itachi handed me and slowly pored a few drips at a time into Haleigh's mouth so she wouldn't choke. Her throat constricted and relaxed as she took the fluid in, but a second later she went completely limp.

"Alright everyone, that's enough training. Newbies, come with me so I can show you to your rooms." Pain says, but Sasuke stays next to me and Itachi who is also crouched down next to Haleigh's sleeping form, as well as Obito, who is leaning up against the tree everyone seems to love to rest up against. It makes my skin crawl to be surrounded by three Uchihas, but Haleigh cares for them, so I wouldn't dare do anything.

"So, there's another living Uchiha?" Sasuke asks, motioning toward Obito, who nods his head with Itachi, then all goes silent again, but Sasuke is feeling chatty today.

"Mind telling me why my team and I are here again instead of killing that bastard Danzo?" Sasuke asks and glares at nothing in particular.

"Because it was Haleigh's wishes. She's got a plan that's going to save all of our lives, bring peace to everyone, join the Akatsuki with the great nations, and expose and kill Danzo, while also winning a war that's coming up very soon, and you and your team are a part of those plans, hm." I explain to the Uchiha who just nods in understanding.

"We should take her inside now, hm. You need to be shown to your room, Uchiha." I say and pick Haleigh's limp body up into my arms and take her inside, and straight to our room and lay her on the bed, and leave the blankets off of her because I know she hates getting too hot.

I then exit the room and make her favorite: toasted bagels with cream cheese and some chopped apples with some cold green tea. After I finish doing that, like an amazing boyfriend, lover, whatever we are... I go back into our room and place the tray down and slide into the bed next to her and wait for her to wake up. I lay my arm across her ribcage and with my other free hand I run my fingers through her hair.

*Knock Knock*

I sigh heavily and move my already comfortable body out of the bed to go answer the door, and the person I least expected to see was standing there.

Sasuke Uchiha, and then that red headed bitch that called her a whore. I glare at her then shift my gaze back to the Uchiha.

"What." I say as I cross my arms across my chest, quietly enough to ensure I don't wake Haleigh up.

"When you explained everything this girl, Haleigh is it? Well, when you explained everything she wants to do and has already done, I cannot help but to feel gratitude toward her, especially for helping me find the light. And I was wondering if you'd allow me to heal her." He says. A very shocked expression crossed my face, but it slowly turned into a smirk as I opened the door wider and allowed the two to come inside.

"If she heard you say that, she'd be crying her eyes out with 'happy tears' as she calls them, hm." I chuckle lightly and glance at the smirking Uchiha.

"Oh my kami, I never realized how massive her chakra was." The red headed girl, I think her name was Kari or something stupid like that, says breathlessly as she slowly walks to Haleigh's sleeping form and sits on the bed next to her.

"What's she doing? I thought you said you were gonna heal her, hm?" I ask Sasuke. He throws a bored glance my way and shrugs his shoulders. I watch the girl roll her sleeve up, her pale skin holding several teeth marks.

"When someone bites her, they get healed. She's gonna make Haleigh bite her. I don't know a single thing about medical ninjutsu." Sasuke said monotonously. Karin lowers her arm to Haleighs lips, but as soon as she touched Haleigh, she gasped and sat up straight, punching Karin in the throat with such a force it knocked her across the room into the stone wall.

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