Haleigh, Fallen (23)

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"Everyone, get into- FUCK!" I scream as Madara makes clones and they charge at us, not giving me time to give any orders. We all charge forward, jutsus of all chakra natures sounding through the field, as well as spraying blood and screams of pain. I cringe every time I hear one, thinking it's someone especially close to me.

"Kakuzu you fucking idiot!" I hear Hidan yell. My heart drops and I quickly kill the clone I was fighting and spin around to see Kakuzu, no hearts left, fall to his knees. After he fell, all of the chunin and the now arrived Kages were present.

"Fucking shit! Kakuzu hang on!" I yell as I kill another Madara and charge over to Kakuzu's fallen body and try to heal him, but Hidan stops me. He and I both knew that there was no point with him having not a singular heart in tact. I wiped my tears and created a clone to move his body off the field, but as soon as one death occurred, everyone else started dropping like flies.

"Kisame sensei!" Suigetsu yelled out not even a minute after Kakuzu's falling, seeing Kisame burned to a crisp.


"Sasori my man!" Dei yelled, running over to said fallen red head. My heart dropped, and ached for Deidara. Despite their disputes, they respected each other.


"Oh no, Suigetsu!" Jugo yelled as Suigetsu was literally boiled by a massive flame that had to belong to an Uchiha.


"Neji! No!" Hinata, Lee, Naruto, and Teneten began screaming in agony as Neji fell to the ground, stone cold dead.


"Yamato sensei!" Sakura gasped gutturally as he was sucked under the earth and practically buried alive, but not for long.


"Lady Tsunade!" Kakashi and Obito yell in unison as Tsunade fell to the ground dead, after protecting them from a blow that would have killed them both.


"JUGO!" Karins shrill voice rings out after he'd taken a fatal blow for Sasuke. Everyone around me was falling. My loved ones, my friends, my comrades. Suddenly, I heard a strangled gasp that sounded familiar. My head snapped in that direction.


"ITACHI!" I screamed in absolute horror as his frail body fell forward into the blood soaked dirt. That was it. The last piece of my heat was broken.


All of those deaths. My heart had finally shattered. I ran as fast as my body could take me to Itachi, a new sort of rage filling me. He gave his final smile to Sasuke and I, for he was so weak that he couldn't even mutter a single word without choking on his own blood. Sasuke crumpled slightly and cried onto my shoulder, and I allowed it, wanted it, needed it. Needed to feel some sort of warmth after all of this icy cold, but yet, I felt nothing but agony. Cold.

'What are we gonna do?!? So many lives, wasted. Gone. Wait! I've got an idea. The Hokage is dead, so she can't tell me no.' I think to myself as I clench my fists so tightly that my nails dig into the tattered skin of my palms.

"Sasuke. Release me. I love you so much, remember that, always." I say and push Sasuke off of me to go find Dei. When I find him, he'd just finished blowing up two clones of Madara. I smiled at the fact that he wasn't too badly injured.

"Deidara." I call him. He stiffens and turns quickly, but is relieved to see that I was still alive, not for long though. He looked around quickly to see if there were any clones close enough to harm us before racing over to me.

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