Apologies, Konoha 12, and Confusion? (16)

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"I will accept." The Raikage says with a small smile on his dark lips. A big smile creeps on my face and I shoot out of my chair and onto the wooden table before sliding across it on my knees. My body stops sliding when I was sitting right in front of the Raikage. His eyes go wide and his body stiffens.

"May I hug you, Mr. Raikage?" I ask and open my arms wide enough to wrap around his large form. He looks at me skeptically before nodding once. I wrap my smaller body around his gigantic body builder one and swing back and forth.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you! Ugh I'm so glad I don't have to be so damn serious anymore. Is the meeting over?" I ask happily. Tsunade nods her head and all of the Kages file out with their guards behind them except for Tsunade and Gaara.

"Excuse me, Gaara?" I ask as I walk up cautiously behind him. He turns around, his face blank as it usually is, and looks down to me.

"May I hug you as well?" I ask him with hope glinting brightly in eyes. His seafoam colored ones go wide with shock and hesitation, but he nods his head anyway. I smile and hug him quickly, knowing that he wasn't used to much contact, before pulling away.

"Are you going to be staying any longer, because I have something in store for you and your siblings, I just have to get it approved by the Hokage first." I ask him. He sighs slightly and nods his head yes.

"We are staying the night. What is it you are planning to do?" Gaara asks and I get an evil glint in my eyes and walk away to Tsunade.

"Lady Tsunade, I have something I'd like to do, but I need your approval and help." I say to her. She nods her head and I lean into her ear and whisper my plan into her ear occasionally glancing back to the Akatsuki, who are sending me curious glances.

"Naruto." She calls out with a massive smirk on her face. Said orange jumps next to me with a hand on his forehead forming a salute.

"Yes granny!" He yells like a soldier. I laugh at him and watch in amusement as Tsunade growls but bites her tongue.

"Gather all of the rookies up in front of the Hokage building, then tell Yamato to make a stage big enough for the Akatsuki to stand on. Got it?" She says, looking at him sternly.

"Yes ma'am!" Naruto yells right into my ear. I cover it quickly and he runs out of the room.

"What are you planning?" Itachi asks and I just smirk at him. His glare hardens and he flashes his sharingan at me. I roll me eyes at him and order everyone outside, and they listen like the obedient little shits they are.

"What in the fuck is this Haleigh?!?" Hidan yells as he goes outside to see most of the village surrounding a large wooden stage. I smirk and begin walking toward it, and what do they do? They follow. I walk up on the stage and everyone glares slightly.

"Hello everyone, my name is Haleigh, and I've got some people here who have some things to say. These are the Akatsuki, and Sasuke Uchiha's team. What they don't know, is that they are all going to come up here, introduce themselves, and apologize for their wrongs." I say. The crowd goes silent as Lady Tsunade steps up on the stage.

"Alright, listen up. Yes, the Akatsuki are in the village, but they are giving up the life of criminals. They are joining the village and helping with everything and anything that may come along. I have approved this idea and see it as a way to wipe their criminal records. All of the Akatsuki are to be treated with respect. You may continue, Haleigh." Tsunade says and then exits off of the stage, leaving me to do the rest.

"Alright, come up. If you object I'll kill you." I say with a sick smile. Their eyes widen and everyone files onto the stage except Hidan.

"No fucking way! You can take this apology and shove it up your-" Hidan starts, but I cut him off.

"Hidan! Do you remember what happened the first time you pissed me off?!?" I asked, referring to the time I'd chopped his dick clean off with a meat cleaver. His face goes white and he quickly scurries up onto the stage, his hand over his frontal area.

"Alright, I already introduced myself, But I haven't done anything bad, so next." I say and step back, allowing the next person to have full attention.

"My name is Deidara, hm. Former Iwagakure bomb corps. I'm sorry for taking the Kazekage, and trying to blow Suna up, and for hurting anyone I've ever hurt." He says with his head slightly down. After he'd finished, he moves next to me and grabs my hand. I smile at him and peck his cheek.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha. I apologize for leaving the village, and attempting to capture the nine tails, causing slight chaos, and hurting those around me." Itachi says and moves closer to me as well. I then look at Tsunade, and she nods, letting me know the second part of my plans have already commenced.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I apologize for nothing, because I'm back, and I'm stronger, and I will protect this village." Sasuke said nonchalantly. I growl slightly and go to hit Sasuke but Dei holds me back by the collar of my cloak.

"SASUKE!" I yell at him. He flinches slightly and holds his hands up in surrender with a smirk on his face.

"Fine, fine. I apologize to my team, who I'm sure I hurt greatly in the process of my thirst for revenge." Sasuke says. I look out into the crowd to see Sakura on the verge of tears and Naruto with a big grin on his face.

"Better, you cocky little shit." I say. Naruto and some of the other people in the crowd burst out in laughter. Sasuke turns red and grumbles and walks behind me.

This continued on with the rest of the Akatsuki, until everyone had said a sincere apology. The air was much lighter, and I could tell things would be okay because some of the villagers and random ninja would come up and shake hands with me or someone else from the Akatsuki. I was talking to one of them when Naruto ran up and interrupted.

"Hey Haleigh! Come on, I want you to meet some people! Well, you probably already know who they are but they don't know you so let's go!" Naruto yells happily. I laugh and grab Dei's hand and we walk over to all of the rookies, most of them greet me with a smile, others a nod. I smile right back, but my smile fades when I see Shino and Kiba with Akamaru. I stay as far away from them as possible.

"Hello everyone, my name is Haleigh. You don't need to introduce yourselves. I know you all, and everything about you, so it's okay." I explain. They look at me skeptically and confused for a moment but just nod their heads.

"Hey, why're you standin' all the way over there?" Kiba asks. My body stiffens as I turn my gaze to him to reply.

"I hate bugs, and dogs. Cats are better, no offense to either of you, though." I reply casually. Shino looks completely indifferent, but Kiba fumes with anger.

"None taken." Shino replies monotonously, but Kiba wasn't having it.

"You don't know a damn thing! Dogs are so much better than stupid cats!" Kiba yells while pointing a finger at me. I growl and take a step forward.

"Oh yeah! Cats are smarter, and cleaner than stupid dogs!" I yell. Kiba growls this time and gets right in my face.

"Oh yeah! Dogs are protectors and can fight better!" Kiba yells in my face, pushing his forehead against mine.

"Well if you were stronger, you wouldn't need a stupid, smelly dog to protect you, you cocky idiot!" I growl at him. Chuckles of amusement are heard around the circle, all except for Deidara.

"Oh yeah! Well only-" Kiba begins, but I am suddenly jerked back, and Kiba falls flat on his face.

"That's it dog breath, hm! The only one allowed to be that close to her face is me! Got it, hm!" Dei yells and pulls my body onto him. I giggle into his chest at him as coos of awe are heard from the girls.

"Ah! So cute!" Ino yells happily, a dreamy look present on her face.

"I know! Are you two girlfriend and boyfriend?!?" Teneten squeals while hooking onto Ino. My face goes pale and I detangle myself from Dei.

"I don't- I don't know." I say and walk off sadly, a sudden wave of depression washing over me.

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