Apartments and Other Issues (17)

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note: later on in this chapter, I'm aware that that isn't how the flying thunder god works, get over it lol


"I know! Are you two girlfriend and boyfriend?!?" Teneten squeals while hooking onto Ino. My face goes pale and I detangle myself from Dei.

"I don't- I don't know." I say and walk off sadly, a sudden wave of depression washing over me.

I ignored Dei's calls for me to wait and kept walking, deciding to do something productive and go find the Hokage to ask her about our living situations.

'What exactly were we? We've already said I love you to each other. We've seen each other naked, done really intimate things, and we aren't even together. He's never asked me. Of course I'd say yes, but what if he doesn't want a relationship? What if he's just using me for sexual reasons? No, I dont think he would do that. Maybe he's got commitment issues.' I think to myself with a scowl on my face as I get lost in the crowd of villagers.

"Ah, hello Haleigh. What brings you here?" Before I knew it, I was at the Hokage building, standing right in front of Tsunade who was still outside, probably to escape the paperwork.

"Oh, hello Lady Tsunade. I was just coming to ask about living situations. I have plenty of money, and I can pay for our housing, but I'm assuming that Itachi, Sasuke and his team are going back to the Uchiha compound. So I can buy five houses or apartments or whatever is available." I tell her. She nods her head and we walk up to her office. She pulls a large stack of papers out and shuffles through them for a moment before looking back to me.

"Yes of course. I've only got apartments, but I can give you five. Just sign the papers and I'll give you two sets of keys for each apartment with an address paper attached to each." She says. I give her some money and sign the papers before taking the 5 sets of keys and their pairs before nodding my head at her.

"Thank you Lady Hokage, I'll be taking my leave now." I say and bow slightly before straightening back up again.

"Alright then, please feel free to come and notify me or Shizune if you are in need of anything else, and please do enjoy your stay." She says. I nod once more and walk out of the building. I walk to a random empty training ground and then flare my chakra slightly, then wait. A minute later, the entirety of the Akatsuki, including Sasuke's team is standing in front of me.

"I took the liberty of buying everyone houses, except for you Itachi, and Sasuke you're responsible for your team. You all can live in the Uchiha compound. Now, Konan, you and Pain get your own apartment. I expect at least two children." I say as I smirk and hand them their key. Konan blushes furiously as Pain chuckles.

"Alright, Obito, Zetsu you two are sharing. Kakuzu, you and Hidan are sharing. And Hidan, no blood or sacrificing in the house." I say as I hand each a key and keep one for Deidara and I. I look at the last key in my hand, then look back up to Sasori.

"Sasori, I've got this last key, and I don't know if you want to stay here or go back to Suna, but it's up to you." I say as I offer out the key to him. He smiles slightly and scoffs at me.

"You've already bought the apartment. Of course I'm staying here idiot. Besides, there's nothing for me in Suna. I'd probably be burned to death or something since I defiled the third Kazekage's grave." He says and takes the key from my hand.

"Well alright then. The addresses are on the card on your keys, and as for food and bills, that's up to each of you to pay, and will be easier when we become ninjas of this village. Go check your apartments out." I say. They all nod their heads and disperse. I take a deep breath and turn around to face Dei, who's staring at the ground in thought. I sigh again and walk up to him and take his hand. He jumps in surprise and looks at me questioningly. I give him a small, sad smile and begin taking the directions from the card.

"Shit. All of our stuff is still at the base." I say as we enter our apartment and notice the lack of furniture.

"Well, I guess we'll have to start over, hm." Dei says as he looks around the empty house.

"Are you kidding me? All of my art is there, and I'm not leaving it. Hold me, I have an idea." I say. He eyes me curiously, but hugs me tightly. I take a deep breath and hold up my hand to make the hand sign I'd seen Minato do a few times before.

"FLYING THUNDER GOD!" I yell and close my eyes. It feels like a gust of wind goes past us. When I open my eyes, we're in our old room.

"Oh fuck yeah! Look Dei! I guess being an obsessed piece of shit worked out quite well!" I yell happily at my accomplishment, for this was obviously the first time I had attempted the jutsu. He opened his eyes slowly, which widened when he seen we were at the base.

"Where'd you learn to do that, hm?" He says, completely astonished. I smile and begin moving things to take them back.

"The fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze." I say. Dei stops for a moment and stares at me wide eyed. I just smile and continue moving things into large piles in order to use as little chakra as possible. So far, we've got our clothes, dressers, and a small table piled onto the bed, so it'll all go with me when I go back.

"Dei, stay here. If I take you every time I go back, I'll completely deplete my chakra." I say. He wraps his arms around me and sighs.

"Alright, I'll finish packing our art onto the couches, and whatever else, hm." He says and sighs, and then kisses me on the forehead. I smile at him and then sit on our completely packed bed.

"Dont forget my bagels and cream cheese. Flying thunder God!" I yell out and poof away, back into out new apartment. I quickly move some stuff around, like put the table in the kitchen, our clothes in our room, and even move the bed into our room. Thank god for all of that training, or I'd probably be passed out from exhaustion right now.

By the end of the day, our house was full of our things, we even took the food from the base. Dei and I even had our own separate art rooms.

By now, it was late at night. Dei and I had both had showers, changed into pajamas, and we're currently playing with each other's hair while cuddling profusely, the cool air of the night wrapping around us as well.

"So, are we okay, hm?" Deidara asks, suddenly stopping his movements within my hair. I tense slightly, but sigh and relax.

"Yeah, I mean, I just got a little upset. It's okay." I lie. He stares at me for a moment, knowing that I'm lying and exhales heavily as well.

"Okay then. I love you." He says as he pulls me closer and closes his eyes.

"I love you more." I whisper and close my eyes, burying my face into the blankets before letting sleep consume me to the fullest.

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