The Real Leader of the Akatsuki (7)

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As soon as we had reached the general vicinity of where the base was located, I could hear angry screams, and we weren't even at the door yet, and keep in mind that the door is a boulder. I start to run to the base, not wanting Deidara to be anymore upset than he already is. Itachi got the memo and began running with me. He then quickly did the hand signs to get inside, and as soon as the door opened, the screaming momentarily ceased.

"HALEIGH?!? IS THAT YOU?!?" He screams and I hear him bounding down the long corridor, with no sign of slowing down. Within seconds my back is slammed up against the rock wall and all of the breath leaves my body because of Deidara gripping onto me. I suck in a breath loudly and wrap my arms around him, he was trembling, and I immediately felt bad.

"It's okay Dei, I wasn't injured." I say to him and stroke his hair, willing him to calm down. He takes a few deep breaths and realized that he had slammed me into the wall, which kind of hurt because of what had happened with my ribs a while ago.


"Haleigh, you've got to stop him, he won't listen to us!" Itachi yells over the animalistic growling coming from Deidara. I do the first thing that comes to mind and run at Dei, then pounce on him, much like he did to Obito. Thinking that I was a threat, Deidara flipped me over mid air, causing all of his weight and mine to crash down on me onto the hard ground. I feel something within me snap, and a strangled cry escapes my lips. A sudden realization hits Dei as he shoves himself off of me.

"Oh my God! Holy shit, are you okay Haleigh, hm! I didn't even know it was you love, I couldn't even-" I cut him off by holding up my hand. Gasping for breath, I push myself off of the ground and limp into the house, passing all of the wide eyes that stare at me. I ignore all of them, and Deidara's pleas, and go into the bathroom and pull up my shirt, still heavily gasping for breath, which felt like a stab to my side with a dull knife each time I sucked in, and I see something pushing my skin out from the inside. My rib.

"KAKUZU, KONAN!" I scream, causing my body to pulsate with pain even more than it already was. Then I hear quick, heavy footsteps making their way to me at a rapid pace. Deidara is the fist one at the door. At the sight of my ribs, guilt fills his entire face. He is roughly shoved aside by Konan, whose hands fly up to her mouth, then Kakuzu, whose eyes widen.

"We've got to set that back, immediately before it punctures her lung, or worse, her heart." Kakuzu says calmly before walking over to me and picking me up. I scream, literally scream in pain as he moves me to the kitchen and sets me on the table. Everyone follows hastily with worried looks on their faces. Itachi balls his fists and sends Deidara a deadly glare.

"Kisame, Kakuzu, hold her arms. Hidan, Itachi, hold her legs. Sasori, get me a cloth, one with ice, and one dry one. Everyone else, stay back, this is going to get ugly." Konan says as Kakuzu sets me down onto the table. I groan loudly and try not to move. Everyone moves to where they are told and Sasori comes back with the stuff.

"What can I do?!?" Deidara yells, looking as guilty as ever down to my now bruising skin over my rib cage.

"Comfort her. She's gonna need it because this is gonna hurt worse than it did coming out." Konan says. My eyes widen and my breathing becomes faster. The men holding my limbs put more force and I begin to panic. Deidara comes up to my head and sits in the chair behind me and does the one thing that calms me the most. His fingers lace through my hair as they begin to slowly work at my scalp. My breathing slows slightly, but is still completely irregular and ragged due to the injury, but my nerves have calmed slightly.

"Too bad we don't have chakra. Itachi could have put her in a genjutsu for a few seconds while you popped it back in, but oh well. Just breathe squirt, it'll be over soon." Kisame says. I turn my head towards him and squeeze Itachi's and Deidara's hands.

Within a second, a disgusting popping noise sounds out, and a burning pain hotter than Amaterasu radiates through my side. My eyes widen and my breath hitches as I squeeze their hands tighter and let out a blood curdling scream. Everyone flinches, knowing that I must be in severe pain.

"Please stop screaming, I know it hurts, but it's hurting us too, please hm. It'll go away soon." I hear Deidara whisper raggedly in my ears and plants several kisses all over my sweaty forehead. Soon, I feel a cooling sensation on my bare side. I look down to see Sasori holing the ice there on my naked side. I immediately relax at the feel of the cooling relief, I let my head drop onto the the table exhaustedly as I try and catch my breath.


"Yes, I already said I wasn't injured. Now, come on. I've got some business to attend to with 'Tobi'." I say as I grab Itachi's hand in my right hand and Deidara's in my left. I pull them down the corridor and into the living room.

"Pain, could you summon everyone here? Something big happened, and something even bigger is about to happen now." I say and Pain looks at me completely confused, but nods anyway and sends a telepathic message, and one by one, each of the Akatsuki members file in and take seats. Now is the time to tell everyone what's going on, no one knows my real plans except for Obito and I. Not even Deidara knows.

"As you all know, I said that I've got some goals to accomplish in this world, and I've already finished one, which was expanding all of your lifespans. I know how and when you all were supposed to die, and who kills you, but I'm trying to keep all of you alive because I care. Sasuke Uchiha is no longer a threat to Itachi, in fact, Sasuke is off killing Orochimaru as we speak, and forming a team, who will blend with the Akatsuki." I say. The first one to speak is Hidan.

"Leader, are you just going to let her make all of these fucking plans?!? I thought you were the fucking leader of the Akatsuki, not her!" Hidan yells.

"Well you thought wrong. Sit down Hidan." A deep voice rings from beside me. All eyes snap to the unfamiliar voice except for Konan, Pain, and Itachi, who just looked shocked that he used his real voice.

"Hey! Who the hell are you and what the fuck did you do with Tobi?" Hidan says and I smirk. Obito removes his mask and stands up and walks to stand next to me.

"This is Obito Uchiha. The real leader of the Akatsuki." I say and everyone's mouths drop wide open.

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