Haleigh Engages! (14)

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~2 Days Later~

"Oh! Hey Naruto! You scared the shit out of me!" I yell happily from my spot by the fire as Naruto jumps down from the trees, followed by Kakashi, Sai, and Sakura.

"Hey Haleigh! Lady Tsunade sent us to tell you that you can all come in the village now because the Kages are here!" Naruto yells excitedly. I sigh in relief and smile back, getting up off of the ground and pull Deidara with me.

"That is true, but I was ordered to place seals on all of you to drain your chakra. I apologize for that." Kakashi states. I move my eyes to him and smile. Dei growls slightly but I squeeze his hand in reassurance.

"That is completely understandable." I reply as me and Dei take a step towards him. Kakashi begins to pull a stack of seals from his cloak, but Hidan cuts him off.

"Fuck yeah it is! We could really fucking slaughter-" He begins, but I quickly cut him off.

"HIDAN! Shut up, are you trying to put them on edge?!?" I scream with wide eyes, completely flabbergasted.

"I was just stating the fucking obvious." He grumbles grumpily.

"It was already fucking stated because- you know what, not even gonna argue. Please Kakashi, begin." I sigh heavily and replace my glare with a smile. The papers are rather small, so he put them on our foreheads. Of course, Kisame, Suigetsu, Sasuke, and Hidan had to give their blades up, which they very, very, begrudgingly did, with a little bit of help from me.

"Alright, you will walk side by side with your normal units. I will be in the back of you all, Sai in the front, and Naruto and Sakura on either side." Kakashi says. We all fall into formation, with Me, Dei, and Sasori at the front, and so on and so forth, all the way to the back ending with Sasuke and his team. This entire time, Sakura had been staring at him longingly. Just before we enter the gates, I use my ability to see a couple of seconds ahead and stop directly in my tracks.

"What is it, why'd you stop, hm." Dei says. I turn around slowly to face the Akatsuki.

"Alright everyone. When we enter this village, a swarm of anbu are going to form around us as well, do not engage in a fight, even if they are a bit rough. We are here to have peace, not war. Understood?" I say. In my vision, anbu came from the tops of buildings and swarmed us.

"Understood." Everyone chimes back. I nod and turn back around and we enter the village. We enter the village, and just as I said, as soon as our entire line was within the gates, anbu came flooding from the tops of buildings.

"Well, hello. There isn't much for you all to do here. I informed my team way back not to engage, so have fun watching us walk." I say cockily before anyone can speak.

"Watch it freak." One of the anbu closest to me says and kicks me to the ground. I growl and jump up quickly, only seeing red, but of course, before anything could happen, Itachi and Dei were by my sides, holding back.

"Look! Itachi Uchiha is trying to engage!" The same anbu yells and takes his sword out. Itachi's eyes widen slightly and I shove him and Dei both behind me and get into a defensive position.

"Haleigh don't do-" Deidara begins, but I cut him off.

"Lay a fucking hand on him or anyone else in this fucking group and you'll know a little something about engaging. I'll kill you in a second." I snarl out and take a step forward.

"Oh yeah! Just who do you think-" The anbu suddenly goes stiff.

"ENOUGH!" An authoritative voice yells out. My head snaps to the side and my limbs immediately loosen.

"Lady Hokage. I apologize. It was-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"I seen everything. You, anbu, the one that called her a freak, fall out and return to your base, I'll deal with you later." Tsunade growls. I smirk in victory and straighten my cloak. Lady Tsunade motions for us to follow, so we do.

"'Remember why we're here' she says, 'don't fucking engage' she says, and what the fuck does she do? She fucking engages!" Hidan yells from the middle. I growl and get ready to yell at him, but Kakuzu beats me to it.

"Shut up Hidan. She was protecting us. She was ready to put her life on the line to keep all of us safe, so quit your complaining." Kakuzu says. I turn around again and smile at him. He notices me and gives me a polite nod.

"What the fuck ever." Hidan grumbles and I smirk. We finally arrive at the Hokage building, and I take Dei's hand, a wave of nervousness crashing over me. What if they don't accept us? We'll surely be killed right on the spot. The only ones who have a chance is me and Sasuke. We enter the building and go up the stairs, and from here I can feel the utter hatred dripping off of everyone in that conference room. When we enter, my eyes immediately find Gaara, and they stay there, glued to him. He's my favorite Kage of all time, always has been, and always will be. Excitement fills me, and I resist the urge to run over to him at this second.

'After the meeting.' I mutter to myself and grip Dei's hand tighter. We all fill in on the opposite side of the room of the Kages. The higher ups of the Akatsuki sit at the table. So basically, it's me, Pain, Konan, Zetsu, and Obito sitting at the table, and the other ten standing against the wall behind us.

"Please, explain to the other Kages what you told me in the forest...." Lady Tsunade says as she motions to the other stiff bodies at the table.

"Haleigh, my name is Haleigh, and of course. Well...."

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