What He Was Thinking

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This is a bonus chapter to draw one more conclusion from chapter one❤

The day was warm, welcoming even, in the Leaf Village. Here, it was always this way. I was currently folding some laundry while Wren was at the Academy, and Dei was on a mission, but he'd be back sometime today.

After I'd finished folding the laundry, I'd put it up in the correct places before going into the living room and plopping down onto the couch. The silence was amazing, but I wasn't used to it. It made me bored beyond belief. I began to let my eyes wander around the room, and looked at the furniture, the paintings, and whatever else my eyes landed on, until my gaze landed on a picture of Dei and I. I was in his lap, facing him, like I always do, like he likes me to do. It brought back so many memories, but one in particular rang through my head like a loud bell.


He smiles brightly and comes to sit next to me and begins putting stuff around his body, making sure it touches.

"What were you doing before you left?" I ask him. He turns red, but covers it with a smirk and looks at me.

"I might tell you, eventually." He says cockily. I roll my eyes.

End of Flashback

Questions rang through my mind immediately after the memory had ended. I remember that day as if it were yesterday. That was the day I'd come to this universe, and it'd hurt like hell, but I'd gladly go through all that pain again to be where I am today.

But that's not what I was worried about right now. I'm a curious person, and I like validation and answers. So, I wanted to know what Dei was doing when he'd come to my old universe, and I'd get it out of him, one way or another.


Speak of the artist. Dei walks through our apartment, his shoes hitting the floor with a loud thump, then his feet lightly padding to the living room where I was currently sitting on the couch with a perplexed look on my face. A couple of seconds later, he enters the room, but pauses when he sees the look on my face.

"What're you thinking about babe, hm?" He asks after a few seconds of silence. I slowly drag my eyes from the picture of us to him to see a look of worry and panic on his face. I'd decided to just come right out with it.

"Do you remember the day I got here? Well, right before it really, when we were in my old room and about to leave." I asked him. He raised his singular visible eyebrow before coming to the couch and laying down, resting his head in my lap.

"Yeah I guess. I remember you panicking because my arms and lap were full." He says after getting comfortable, allowing a small chuckle to slip past his lips at the end of his sentence.

"Do you remember what I asked you that day?" I asked, ignoring his joke completely, more like dismissing it, which he should be grateful for.

"Uh, should I, hm?" He asked, suddenly sounding worried as he scratched the side of his blonde head, a sheepish grin on his face.

"I don't really care if you don't remember, but I asked you what you where doing before you'd come to my old universe, and you told me you might tell me one day." I said, shrugging my shoulders, but stared at him intently, willing him to tell me.

"Yeah, and why are you thinking about that?" He asks after lowering his arm to stroke my thigh seductively.

"Today is that day babe. What was it that had you so concentrated that day?" I muse as I pick up a strand of his extremely long blonde hair and twirl it around my finger. He needed a haircut, and badly. His hair was now longer than mine, and that was saying something.

"Wouldn't you like to know, yeah?" Deidara teases with a smirk as he moves his hand higher up my thigh, closer to my down under parts. I scowl lightly and slap his hand away before getting an idea. He'd definitely tell me after this.

"Dei, if you don't tell me, the next time we have sex I'll do the-" I begin, a sadistic smirk spreading it's way across my face, but Deidara cuts me off, knowing exactly what I was about to say.

"NO! Nope, nope, nope. Do you really want to know that badly, hm?" He yells, but settles back down in my lap with another small smirk growing onto his face.

"I wouldn't fucking be asking if I didn't you dweeb!" I yell at him. He chuckles momentarily before taking a deep breath and looking right into my eyes from below me.

"Well, if you truly must know, gorgeous lover of mine, I was thinking about my life. When I was in the Akatsuki, tomorrow was never gaurenteed. I could never have a normal life, friends, kids, or someone to love. Then, I started trying to picture myself with someone. Someone to love and hold, and tease and have fun with. Then, I was in a box as a cat, where a crazy, loudmouth girl came and got me." Deidara says, his eyes quickly going distant and a remembering smile on his face as he thought about the past, the day I'd found him in the box as a cat. I remember how protective he was of me, even when he didn't know me, even when he was just a small kitten. Suddenly, his words fully registered in my mind and I couldn't help but bust out into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

"Deidara you are such a fucking softie ass pussy!" I choked out through my loud, rythmic laughter as tears started gathering in the corners of my eyes.

"I try to be fucking cute and sweet, but no. Not around Haleigh. It's not possible." Deidara growls as he sits up from my lap and distances himself from me. My loud laughter turns into small giggles as I grab him and start pulling him back to me.

"No Dei, it was cute. I love you so much." I said, now being serious before I suddenly closed my eyes and placed my lips on his. Despite his irritation, he kissed me back with an equal amount of passion before we both pulled back at the same time.

"And I love you too. Now, let's go get Wren from school. And by the way, we have dinner with Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, and Sasuke. Apparently Bolt cheated in the chunin exams and Naruto wants you to have a little talk with him." Deidara says as he stands up and pulls me up off of the couch with him. I grit my teeth slightly as I slide my sandals on.

"That little bastard. Not even Naruto was that bad. I'll bet you desert that it was one of those new ninja tools they've been working on." I grunt to myself and tighten the last strap on my shoe before Dei and I walk out of the house, closing and locking the door behind us.

"Yeah, but you love him still, and you're on." Dei says with a small chuckle as he takes my hand and intertwines our fingers together in a firm hold.

"Unfortunately I do. But I'm gonna kick his little fucking ass." I say with a sigh. Deidara chuckles again and shakes his head.

"Remind me why I agreed to allowing you to adopt a child?" He asks, musing at me slightly.

"Because I'm fucking amazing that's why. Now let's go, I miss my little Hima and Sarada." I say as we walk to the academy to pick up my girl, enjoying life to the fullest extent, now having all the answers I ever wanted.

If I had to pick a song to match with this series, it'd be this one.

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