The Explaining of the Goals (8)

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"This is Obito Uchiha. The real leader of the Akatsuki." I say and everyone's mouths drop wide open. My smirk grows as I see Hidan turn a bright red color.

"ANOTHER FUCKING UCHIHA?!?" Deidara yells and I get mad, because Uchihas are okay, their brains are just kind of one tracked.

"Deidara, shut up. He could kill you right now if he wanted to. Hell, he could have fucking killed you that day you popped my rib out, but he didn't, because of me." I say as calmly as possible, but it still sounded kind of rude. He looked at me shocked, as well as everyone else in the room. He then went silent with a hint of sadness on his face, I'd have to apologize later but right now is not the time.

"So you knew about him this whole mother fucking time?!?" Hidan yells, standing up. I nod at him to show that I had acknowledged him.

"From now on, you will call Pain by his name and there is no leader of the Akatsuki. We are all equals, and we will achieve her goals, right after she tells us what they are. This is for the best interest of everyone, and if you don't listen to her directions carefully, we will all die sooner than later." Obito says. I smile up at him in thanks. He takes a step back and motions for me to begin explaining things to the Akatsuki.

"Like I said, I have several goals. My first was to have Itachi speak to Sasuke and that is completed. My second was to get Obito here to change his mind about his goals for the Akatsuki, which was to actually rule the world with a genjutsu. But, he was following orders from someone else in the shadows. Madara Uchiha. Madara's intentions were to use every single one of you, then kill you off, even Obito and Itachi, his own clan, just to one up his rival." I pause to let them take it all in, since not even Pain and Konan knew about that.

"HEY WHAT THE FUCK MAN YOU WERE GONNA-" Hidan begins, but I quickly get agitated from all of his yelling.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP HIDAN AND LET ME FINISH, YOU WOULD ACTUALLY BE DEAD RIGHT AT THIS VERY MOMENT IF I WEREN'T HERE!" I scream with my fists balled. He stumbles back onto the couch in fear and disbelief.

"I-I'd be dead?" Hidan says, surprising everyone at the fact that he hadn't cursed not one time in that sentence.

"Well, not dead, but you'd be cut into pieces and buried alive, left with nothing but rock on top of you." I explain. His eyes go even wider before he looks down to the floor.

"Who killed me?" He asks, again shocking me at the fact that he didn't curse. I knew he was completely and utterly serious now.

"Yeah, I wanna know too, you don't get a girl who knows your whole life story everyday, you know." Kisame says scooting forward slightly, interest and curiosity dancing in his beady black eyes.

"Well, I'll just go around the room, I guess. Obito, you die in the 4th great ninja war, which has yet to happen. You were protecting Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi. Itachi, Sasuke killed you. Konan, Obito killed you with a metal pipe. Deidara, you killed- killed yourself, Kisame, you killed yourself, Hidan, a kid from the leaf village killed you for killing his sensei, Sasori, the same for you, but it was two women, one of them being your grandmother Chiyo. Kakuzu you were killed by Kakashi and a few Leaf kids after you and Hidan killed their Sensei.White Zetsu was killed by Sasuke, and black zetsu was sealed. Pain, well, Nagato, you used up all of your life force." I finish. All of their eyes are completely wide, except for Konan who was glaring at Obito.

"How do you know all of this, squirt?" Kisame asks breathlessly. I look over at Obito and he nods, basically saying to tell them all.

"Well, I guess I have to tell you now, since it involves my goals. In my world you are all fictional characters in a television show that's named after the nine tailed jinchuriki, Naruto. The Akatsuki even has its own movie, that's how I know everything. I've watched it from the beginning, and that shit has like four movies, and in the two series, there are like seven hundred episodes, and I've seen practically every one. And now you know." I say. You could've heard a pin drop if there was one.

"Holy fucking shit." Hidan says breathlessly. I chuckle at him lightly and begin again with my plans for the future.

"Now that you know, that's why I came back with you all, because even when you all didn't have a clue of my existence, I cared for you all deeply, even though most of you were, and still are assholes, I wanted to save you all. That is my goal. To save you all, and have an alliance with the five great nations when the fourth great ninja war comes, and believe me, it will come. We will also be going up against Kabuto, whom you all should be familiar with, that's why I want Sasuke on our side, less trouble and hurt, and death. We will also expose Danzo for all of the wrong he has done, for all of the Uchiha. And we'd be using the power of the tailed beasts." I say. Itachi and Obito both smile at me, which shocks the group. It seems a lot of things have changed in just a few hours.

"So, what do you all say? I'm not gonna force you to help me, but it would be greatly appreciated since I practically saved-" I begin, but was cut off by the person I expected the least.

"I'm in, all the fucking way." Hidan says and walks up to me and slings and arm around my shoulder, allowing the weight of it to rest on me.

"You saved me and actually wanted to, and I've never had someone do that for me, and that's a really good fucking feeling." Hidan says and I gape at him. I slowly hug him back, and the rest of the Akatsuki agree to help me with my plans, actually liking the sound of them.

"Now, there's only one problem. Zetsu."

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