Itachi's Still a Pervert (3)

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When we got back inside the base, it was rather hot for my taste, even though it's like... October. I guess having so many bodies in the same space causes it to heat up a bit.

Dei and I immediately head to our room. I change into a regular t-shirt, not even long enough to cover my ass, and no pants because it was so hot, Dei was just in his boxers. We even decided to sleep on top of the blankets, not under them because it was so warm.

I guess he wasn't used to it either because at home, I kept my air conditioning at a solid sixty eight, which is rather cool. After struggling for a while, we both finally fell asleep, no cuddling, no touching, and no close proximity because of the heat.

-Several hours later-

"What the hell Itachi, hm!" I faintly hear Dei yell. I grumble slightly and throw my body on top of his to get him to shut up and to stop moving, not registering anything that's going on around me. I feel the soft touch of blankets on my bare back, and the rumble of Dei's chest.

"Shut the fuck up Deidara!" I scream grumpily as I sit straight up on top of his waist after a minute of him and, someone else I hadn't discovered yet, arguing. He looks at me wide eyed before flipping me around, so he's now covering my body. I look behind him to see Itachi with fury in his eyes.

"Why does he look so mad?" I ask sitting up a little straighter. Dei then points down to mine and his bodies. Oh.

"Because you are both almost completely naked, especially him. And your shirt was almost completely off, and his hand was up it, laying somewhere it shouldn't have been!" Itachi says furiously. I look at Dei who is looking away slightly, and then realized exactly why his hand was up my shirt.

"Itachi, was his arm on this side?" I asked, pointing over my heart. He nods his head yes with a scowl still present on his face, and I smile over at Dei, who is now looking at me with a red face.

"Itachi, you're an idiot. He likes to feel and hear my heartbeat. He wasn't being a pervert, well, not completely at least." I say as I stroke the side of Dei's face lovingly.

"Then why are you both almost completely naked?" He growls, still completely infuriated.

"Because it was hot. You live on the northern end of the base, so it's much cooler in all of your rooms, but we live in the southern end, so it's much warmer, thus, we were in need of a lack of clothing. If you'd notice, we didn't even sleep under the blankets, explaining why you'd seen our lack of clothing. And I don't know what the big deal is, you've seen me more bare than this. Remember?" I say with a smirk on my face. Itachi's face goes distant as if he's trying to remember.


"I'm changing Dei." I say after I get my shirt off of my head and reach around and unclasp my bra.

"What did you- OH WHAT THE FUCK YOUR BOOBS ARE OUT, NOT THAT I DONT LIKE IT BUT I FEEL LIKE A PERVERT!" Deidara screams and turns around quickly, facing the wall. I chuckle lightly as I throw my bra onto the bed and begin taking my pants off.

"Hey, I told you I was chan-" I begin, but my door slams open.

"What's happening, I heard screaming, did Deidara- Oh my wow." Kisame says as he bursts through the room with literally all of the rest of the Akatsuki behind him, eyes going wide after seeing me practically naked. I wrap my arms around my chest and grit my teeth.

"What the fuck Kisame!" I scream. Deidara immediately turns around and assesses the situation. Seeing all of the male attention I was getting, he runs over to me and wraps his body around mine.

"Get the hell out yeah!" Deidara screams as his grip tightens around me. I let my arms fall to my sides as I try to see around Dei's broad shoulders.

"Well if I knew you two were getting intimate-" Kisame begins with a smirk on his face, but I groan in annoyance.

"We were not getting intimate Kisame! I was changing in here because I was too lazy to walk all the way to the bathroom and Deidara just so happened to look up at the right time." I explain and Deidara nods in agreement.

"It looks like you two are pretty fucking close to me!" Hidan yells from behind Kisame, addressing the fact that my bare boobs were up against Deidara's bare chest.

Dei's eyes then travel down, realizing what Hidan was saying, then his hands fly back up to his eyes, little did he know that he accidentally hit me on my boob. I groan in slight pain as I hold my right boob examining the now red mark coming up on it.

"What, what's wrong?!?" Deidara says, his hands still over his eyes. I rub the now completely red, sore spot on my boob.

"You hit my boob you idiot." I say as I hold it tenderly while doing my best to keep them covered as well.

"Holy shit are you okay- oh God I'm sorry I forgot. Hm!" Dei asks as he takes his hands off of his eyes for a moment before quickly slapping them back over them again. I growl in frustration as I think of a solution to this problem.

"Alright. I've had enough. Konan! Help, I'm naked and there are about eight men staring at me!" I yell, and sure enough I hear Konan yell once and all of the Akatsuki are immediately gone, except for Deidara. I turn around and hold my chest.


"Whatever. Just hurry and get ready. We will begin your training in exactly one hour. If you are late, there will be consequences." He says while throwing a glare at Dei. I throw my hands up in surrender and he makes his way out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Jeez. I haven't even been here a full day and Itachi's already pissed off at you." I laugh as I get out of bed to grab some work out clothes and head to the bathroom. I close the door softly behind me, leaving Dei in bed, or so I thought.

I strip myself of my t-shirt and undergarments before stepping in the boiling shower and sighing in relief. The hot water caresses my shoulders, then my back, down to my butt and squeezes- wait, squeezes?!?

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