War Heroes (25)

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After I gently sink my teeth into Karin's arm, they quickly take me, and the other wounded, to the medical tents that had been set up just outside of the battleground to have the finishing touches done on us.

"So, where's Kabuto and Madara?" I ask as Dei holds my hand while a nurse stitches up smaller gashes littered around my body.

"I killed Kabuto, everyone else killed Madara. Why's your hair brown?" Deidara explains, then asks. My eyes widen as I touch my hair and look up to the sky.

"MOM!" I scream angrily and cover my head. I swear she'd be laughing like a bipolar maniac, which is exactly where I get it from. Deidara chuckles before grabbing my wrists and kisses my hands all over, and then my cheek, and then finally my lips. The nurse coos at us as she finishes wrapping me up, then leaving with a pink tint on her cheeks.

"I'm guessing you talked to your parents while you were, uh, gone?" Dei asks as he continues kissing my knuckles, talking in between each kiss.

"Yeah, the first thing my mother brought up was my fucking hair, too. At least it's my natural color, and I won't have to worry about my roots coming through." I grumble as I play with the now shiny, browny, healthy ends. It was the weirdest feeling, having healthy hair.

"I think it's absolutely beautiful. So, did you tell them about us, hm?" He asks as he takes the strands in between his fingers and twirls them around, looking at them with amazed eyes.

"I did. My mother is excited, but my dad is mad." I say in an absolutely serious voice, causing his body to go completely rigid.

"Your father doesn't like me?!? Oh god I'm dead, I'm so dead! Sir, if you can hear me, I love her more than anything on this planet, or anything on any planet for that matter!" Dei says as he closes his eyes with his head pointed toward the sky and hugs me tight. I chuckle at him, and I know my dad would be laughing his ass off too.

"I'm teasing Dei. He approved. He's the one that sent me back here, well encouraged me anyway." I say as I pull him away from me and push the hair out of his face. He sighs in relief before glaring at me slightly.

"Don't scare me like that babe, hm!" He says as he pecks my dirty face. I laugh, but it turns into a long, drawn out yawn.

"Lay down with me, I want to sleep." I say as I scoot back onto my mat type thing the nurse put out for me when I got here.

"So go to sleep, I need to-" He starts, but I speak over him. A habit that I inherited from my father.

"I'm not gonna sleep unless you sleep with me. I know you're exhausted." I say and yawn again before taking off a few layers of clothes to get under the thin blankets. Dei exhales heavily, knowing how stubborn I am, and takes his shirt and sandals off.

"Okay, only for you babe, hm." Deidara says and gets in next to me after pulling the blankets up over our faces to block the lights out.

~The Next Morning~

I awoke, much more comfortable than I had fallen asleep, and with soft warm lips pecking my face repeatedly. I groan irritatedly before slapping at the person and trying to go to sleep again.

"Haleigh, Deidara's naked." I hear a woman's voice say, which angers me, so I shoot straight up and growl, ready to pounce on whoever was seeing what's mine and only mine. I was thrown off for a moment because I was in a hospital room, and I didn't see a woman, but when I turned my head, I seen Tsunade. I growl again and look for Dei, but he was still laying down, smirking at me.

"Well, that's definitely not the reaction I was expecting. I though you'd leap with joy." Tsunade says with her arms crossed over her large chest. I growl again and pull Dei's body into my lap and start playing with his hair.

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