Camping Like a Real G (13)

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"What in the hell is going on here?!?" I hear a familiar voice scream from behind me. I wipe my eyes and pull away from Deidara and then turn around to see the busty blonde woman.

"Hello Lady Hokage." Kakashi beats me to greeting her. He stands up off of the ground pulling Obito with him quickly and bows slightly. I bow my head and motion for everyone to do so as well.

"Kakashi this better be good." Tsunade growls while standing in a defensive position, the mark on her forehead glowing brightly.

"Lady Tsunade, this is Haleigh. She said she wished to speak with you, and I would like to respectfully suggest listening to her." Kakashi says. I silently thank him and walk forwards, a bit closer to her.

"Hello Lady Hokage. My name is Haleigh, and as you can see, behind me, I've got the entire Akatsuki, and Sasuke as well as his team. But, we are not here for a fight. I would like for the Akatsuki to join forces with the five great nations." I say. Her eyes widen and flicker to the Akatsuki.

"How is Sasuke standing so close to Itachi?" She asks. I chuckle lightly at her choice of question.

"I fixed them. This is one of the many things I planned to do. I got Itachi to tell the truth about the clan murder. Which was really a mission, ordered by Danzo and the elders. Speaking of which, he's going to die, even if you refuse our aid." Tsunade's eyes widen and she nods her head once before urging me to continue.

"I have sorted out all of the issues within the Akatsuki, and we are here to help. There is a war coming Lady Tsunade. Orochimaru is dead, but he did something huge. Madara Uchiha is back from the dead, and is with Kabuto, and they're coming here to start a war, and it'll be sooner than what it would have been, but I'm sure Kabuto knows something is up, because he hasn't received word from us in over a month, and he'll be here soon, and I don't want- " I rambled quickly, though Tsunade cut me off.

"Okay." Lady Tsunade says, almost defeatedly.

"What?" I ask breathlessly as my eyes widen.

"I said okay. For some damn reason I trust you, and what you're telling me. I will summon all of the Kages, and it will take one to two days for all of them to arrive, but none of you can stay in the village. I will also put Danzo in a holding cell while I research the Uchiha massacre further. If all of you prove your loyalty, you may stay, or go as you please, and can become ninja of this village, and your records will be wiped." She says. I smile brightly and spin around and face the Akatsuki.

"Did you hear that guys?!? If any of you fuck this up I'll kill you!" I say, my bipolar disorder kicking in slightly. All of their eyes widen and I spin back around to the Hokage, whose eyes were wide as well.

"You just threatened, and scared the entire Akatsuki. Who the hell is this girl?!?" Lady Tsunade asks and spins around to face Naruto.

"She's just a girl, whose trying to save the lives of hundreds, while spreading peace." Naruto says smiling brightly at me, which I return.

"Well, like I said, you can't stay in the village until we have a meeting with the other Kages." Lady Tsunade explains with a serious look on her face.

"And that is perfectly understandable, Lady Tsunade. Is it okay if we set up camp here? I wouldn't want us to overstep our boundaries." I ask. She nods and begins to walk back to the village. I let out a sigh of relief when Naruto and Kakashi wave at us as they all exit as well, Sakura looking back at Sasuke longingly.

"Well, let's start setting up camp before it gets late. We will divide into five man units, so there will be three units, but we will stay close. Unit one: Haleigh, Deidara, Itachi, Sasuke, and Suigetsu. Unit two: Pain, Konan, Karin, Zetsu, and myself. Unit three: Sasori, Hidan, Kakuzu, Jugo, and Kisame. Alright, everyone regroup and assign jobs." Obito says. Everyone goes to their groups.

"Alright, Sasuke and Itachi, you two go find firewood and work on getting a fire started. Suigetsu, you go find a water source and catch some fish and bring back some clean water. Dei and I will clean the area and go look for other sources of food." I instruct. Everyone seems okay with their jobs and they head off to do so. I know it sounded like I know what I'm doing, but I'd never camped out a day in my life. This was my first time, and I find it highly disgusting. I hate outdoors, and it hates me right back. It's dirty, humid, and smelly, and let's not forget the fucking bugs. I hate, and fear insects, which is why I'm not as excited to meet Shino as I am everyone else. The same applies to Kiba, because I hate dogs.

About thirty minutes later, we've got a nice fire going, with fish and water, as well as some fruit from some odd tree that Itachi said wasn't poisonous. I didn't eat any of the fish, cause I don't like fish. After everyone was done eating, it was getting late, and I was tired. I went to lay down, but a sudden pain in my arm caused me to dart back up.

"Oh shit, I forgot about that." I say as I gingerly pull down the sleeve of my Akatsuki cloak.

"About what?" Dei asks as he glances towards me. His eyes widen and he scoots closer to me, examining the deep hole in my arm with dry caked blood surrounding it, as well as some fresh, hot blood.

"Where Sai hit me with a kunai." I reply blankly and stare at it while the fresh blood begins to rapidly drip down my arm, forming a nice sized puddle on the ground.

"Karin, help her, now." Sasuke says to her across her camp site next to Konan while sounding slightly panicked.

"Yes, Sasuke." She say dreamily and gets up and shoves Dei out of the way. I growl at her and pull Dei closer to me. She rolls her eyes and pulls up her sleeve to expose her arm and then shoves it in my face. I eye it skeptically before looking back up at her.

"Is your arm clean?" I ask her and move my face back slightly.

"What?!? Yes my arm is fucking clean!" She growls and then screams, shoving her arm closer to me, to which I just back away further.

"But like, are you sure, it's highly unsanitary just to-" I begin but get cut off by Sasuke.

"Haleigh, just shut up and bite her, dweeb." He says I roll my eyes at him.

"You aren't old enough to boss me around yet, nor will you ever be you little brat." I mumble and lean forward to bite Karin. My face scrunched up in disgust and I pull away and start spitting while rubbing my tongue.

"That was disgusting." I say while coughing slightly. All four of the men in my unit chuckle.

"Well, it's healed, and that's all that matters, hm." Dei says as he pokes it slightly.

"Yeah whatever. I'm not sleeping on the ground, so lay down because I'm sleeping on top of you." I say and try to push him over but he grabs my wrists and smirks at me seductively.

"Oh really? In front of everyone, hm?" Deidara says with his eyebrow raised. I scoff and shove him while Itachi and Sasuke growl. I chuckle at them and push Deidara's body back agains a tree and lay on him like a bed. I hear chuckles, but ignore them and fall asleep.

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