Adopting a puppy

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Your POV:

I've always wanted a puppy. Specifically a big dog, like a husky, german Shepard, or golden retriever. And now I'm finally getting one. Cody's excited as well, but not as much as I am. We planned one day to go to the animal shelter near where we live to look at the puppies they have. I drove over to his house, walking in and making my way to his room. He wasn't in there, but I heard the shower running. I plopped down on his bed, playing on my phone for a while until he finally got out of the shower. I smiled at his appearance; one towel wrapped around his waist, and another wrapped around his head. I giggled and sat up.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked confused.

"The towel on your head. Guys usually don't wear towels on their heads because they can just shake their hair out with one and it'll be dry."

"Well, I'm different. And it makes me look fabulous." He laughed along with me.

"Get dressed, you dork. I wanna go already."

(Y/N), you cannot rush perfection."

"Shut up, Herbinko. I'm serious, I wanna gooo," I dragged out, sitting up to tug on his arm.

"Fine, fine, fine. Let me go."

"Ok. Go dry your hair, I'm gonna pick out your outfit." He walked into the bathroom to fix his hair, along with a pair of boxers, as I looked through his closet to find a nice outfit for him. I picked out a plain black shirt with white ripped pants. I set it on his bed, along with a black snapback. I smiled at my choice, as it is my favorite outfit on him. I sat back down on his bed, waiting for him again. He finally walked out, in boxers, with his hair styled. He smiled at my outfit choice, and started getting dressed.

"Why did you choose a black shirt when we're going to look at dogs? Did you not think this through (Y/N)!" He joked. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Because I love when you wear that shirt. And I thought since I love it, the dogs might like it, too. Now come on!!" I yelled, pulling him out of his room, anxiously running out to his Jeep.

"(Y/N), chill. It's not like if we're late they're gonna run out of puppies."

"I know, but I just wanna look at them already! And I wanna find one quickly."

"What if they don't have a dog that you like at this place?"

"Then we go to another one!" He rolled his eyes at my response.

"Babe, you have to calm down. I know you like dogs, but you're stressing me out," he laughed a little. I sighed.

"Okay. I'm sorry, I'm just really excited. I was never allowed to have a dog when I was growing up. And now I'm finally getting one. By the way, how are we gonna watch it? Like, who are they gonna live with?"

"Well, I could take them on weekdays, because I know you go to school. And you can take them on weekends, because that's usually when I'm out of town for PressPlay. And you can obviously come over and visit whenever you want. I mean, it's not like you don't already," he smirked as he started driving to the shelter. He grabbed my hand, like always, resting them in between us. We talked about what we would name them, what toys we would get, what color collar we were going to buy, everything; I could tell Cody was getting more and more excited about this. After about 5 minutes, he pulled into the shelter's parking lot. I squealed in excitement, wanting to get out already.

"(Y/N), calm down. Please be calm, okay? Don't get your hopes up." I nodded and calmed down, taking deep breaths. We got out and walked inside, hand in hand. We walked over to the adoption desk and waited for someone to help us.

Cody Herbinko imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now