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so i literally just noticed cody disappeared from social media ☹️ but, when i went to look on instagram for an explanation, i found this

im very confused, idk what happened bc i'm not exactly "in the fandom" so if anyone knows, pls tell me :( all i remember is him tweeting off his second account about how sam will always be the most beautiful girl even if she hates him/he hates her...

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im very confused, idk what happened bc i'm not exactly "in the fandom" so if anyone knows, pls tell me :( all i remember is him tweeting off his second account about how sam will always be the most beautiful girl even if she hates him/he hates her/whatever.

but if that person's comment is true, i'm kinda disappointed. it's so wrong when someone uses fame to get sex or girls, and it's wrong to cheat on people. i may like cody, but i don't approve of what he did. still, idk if this is 100% true, but :((

@ the people who are defending him, REALLY???? like yeah, he's human, he makes mistakes, but having sex with minors, asking your fans for nudes, and cheating on your girlfriend isn't okay. don't justify he's human to make what he did ok. ITS NOT!!! he knew what he was doing, he may regret it, but it wasn't a mistake

feel free to comment your opinions as well

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