Realizing - Wedding Series

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His POV:

(Y/N) and I were in California, just as a small vacation for us. We both needed it, as (Y/N) has been stressed with work and college and I with doing PressPlay events and college. We were currently staying in LA, in a hotel close to the beach. It was so beautiful, just standing on the balcony and watching the sunrise or sunset over the ocean together; it's the most perfect way to relax. We spent a few days touring the city and shopping, eating at restaurants a few days. Everything was perfect. Being at the beach was the best part of our stay. Especially at night or close to sunset, when barely anyone is there and it's just the two of us. While we were tanning one day, we got to talking about our future.

"(Y/N), what do you want to do in the future?" She laughed.

"You already know I'm going to school for journalism. Possibly going to become an editor."

"No, like family and relationship wise. Do you want to have kids? If so, how many? Do you wanna get married? If so, how long would you wait to have kids?"

"Cody, are you okay?" She questioned, veery confused on why I was acting like this. Truth is, I think about marrying her all of the time, and having kids with her and starting a family, maybe getting a dog or two.

"Yeah. I just like to think about that stuff once in a while," I shrugged my shoulders at her. She giggled and leaned over to kiss my cheek.

"I was just thrown off because you never talk about settling down and starting a family. I would love to start a family with you, Herbinko." I smiled and blushed, looking away and towards the ocean. I've been thinking about proposing to her, but every time I think about it, I talk myself out of it with a different excuse every time. Does she want to get married this soon? Is she gonna say no because she's dealing with college right now? Does she even wanna marry me? Of course, none of the excuses were because of her personally, just what's going on in her life right now.

"I'm gonna go get some food. What do you want?" I heard her speak up deform beside me, disrupting my thoughts.

"Um, get me a hot dog with ketchup, please?" She nodded and walked over to the food vendor not far from where we were sitting. My mind wandered off again.

Should I propose to her? Would she even say yes? But do I wanna spend the rest of my life with her, settling down and starting a family? It's not that I don't love her, I really do, but it scares me to think about that.

She came back with my hot dog and cheese fries for herself.

"So, what do you wanna do tonight? We could go to dinner, or just stay in and watch a movie."

"Let's stay on the beach until it closes. Or maybe later. Well no, just until the sun sets." She giggled and nodded her head. We both went back to eating and then tanning. It felt so good to be in the sun again.

*time skip*

His POV:

(Y/n) and I got tired of tanning, plus the sun was starting to set, so we decided to walk along the shoreline. She was the closest to the water, every time a wave would come in it would splash against her feet and legs. She stared at the sky, taking in the bright orange sunset.

"It's so beautiful her, Cody. I could live here for forever and never get tired of it." I nodded my head, not thinking she wouldn't see me, so I just hummed in response. I took my eyes away from the sky to look at her. Her (Y/H/C) blew in the soft wind from the ocean and looked so soft and shiny from the light, her eyes gleaming and skin glowing from the setting sun as she took in the scenery. She then closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and exhaling. She was so beautiful. The it finally hit me.

I wanted to wake up to the sun shining on her every morning. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

I want to marry her.

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