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His POV:

What a great way to get home from school, fighting with my best friend. We were fighting over something stupid; it was over the fact that I was talking to some girl who (Y/N) doesn't particularly like. I mean, I get why she's mad, but Lily isn't that bad of a person. Since I always drove (Y/N) home and she hangs out with me for a few hours, we were silent the whole ride home. I could tell she was still mad, but I thought she would just let the argument go. I parked my car and she got out, still not saying a word. She grabbed her stuff, walking into my house. Luckily, no one was home, so if we were to fight we wouldn't bother anyone. I walked in behind her, throwing my bag on the ground next to the door. She sat down on the couch, playing on her phone. I sighed and sat next to her. She scooted away from me to the other side of the couch. I rolled my eyes.

"(Y/N) what the hell is your problem? Are you still mad at me?"

"Yeah I am." She finally spoke, but never once looked up at me.

"Why? I don't understand what I did? I know I talked to Lily, but she's in my class. And anyways I don't know why you don't like her. She's actually really nice."

"Not to me. She's horrible to me. And I've told you many times what she has said to me."

"I don't remember what you told me, okay. And why does it matter? How bad of things did she even say to you?"

"It doesn't matter what she said to me, it has to do with some of my insecurities. And it does matter, in some way."

"What did she say to you, (Y/N)? Tell me now," I demanded, and she finally looked at me.

"No. it's none of your business."

"Tell me."

"Why should I tell you, huh? You don't seem to notice that she's a mean and horrible person, so why would anything I say change your mind?"

"Just tell me and I might reconsider my opinion!" I yelled, fed up with her attitude.

"Fine! She told me that I would never get a certain guy to like me because I always dress like I'm a "slob" and I never wear makeup, which guys don't apparently don't like because they like 'actual beauty' and not 'natural beauty.' Which is bullshit because I don't not wear makeup to impress guys. I don't wear makeup because I'm too lazy to put it on in the morning. And the only reason I always dress like a 'slob', which is only a hoodie and sweatpants, is because it's comfortable. I'd rather be comfortable all day. I honestly don't care how I look, or what people care about what I look like. The only thing I care about is the fact that the guy I like, well love, will never feel the same way about me. So yeah, that's the reason I don't like her. Change your opinion or don't, I don't care."

I sat there, taking all of her words in. I was honestly speechless. (Y/N) has always told me she gets told that guys will never like her or take an interest because she doesn't wear makeup and she doesn't dress to impress. I looked at her lovingly. Truth is, I like her. Maybe even love. And it broke my heart hearing her say that she likes some guy, and that he'll never like her back; he's honestly missing out on so much.

"Well if you're not gonna say anything than it's best if I go home. Bye Cody, I'll see you tomorrow." I stood up with her.

"Wait, (Y/N). Who's the guy you like?" I shyly asked. She rolled her eyes.

"No, Cody. Not now. I already told you why I don't like Lily and I think that's enough for today."

"Tell me. I just wanna know who's the guy that stole the girl I love's heart." I immediately shut up. I averted my eyes to the ground, trying to avoid her stare.


"N-nothing. Just, just forget I said anything. Bye, I'll see you tomorrow."

"No. What the hell did you say? Did you say you love me?" I deeply inhaled and exhaled; my secret is now out.

"Yeah. I really like you (Y/N). To be honest I hate being 'just friends' because when we talk, there are times where I just wanna kiss the shit out of you, but I can't. I know you only wanna be friends. And the guy who stole your heart is a pretty lucky guy, but he's missing out on your amazing self."

"Well I guess your a pretty luck guy then," she softly spoke and my head shot up, my eyes bulging out of my head.

"W-wait what? Do you - does this mean,"

"Yes, you are the lucky guy I love." She cut me off.

"Wow. Really? You're not messing with me? You're being for real?" She giggled at my doubt.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I? I mean you're so sweet, and not to mention very sexy. I mean, that lip ring drives me crazy. And not to mention y-" I cut her off with a swift kiss to her lips. She was shocked, but kissed back in a second. After a few seconds, we pulled away, both out of breath and blushing hard.

"So, um, do you wanna be my, I'm girlfriend? Or is it too soon?" She giggled.

"Of course I will, Herbinko. But, about the argument, um,"

"Don't worry. Your words really did change my opinion. And I know she was lying because you got a certain guy you like, right?"

"Right," her lips formed a small smile as they pressed against mine once more. Instead of her leaving angry, she stayed, and cuddled with her best friend, and more importantly, her boyfriend.

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