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Your POV:

Cody and I had planned on going shopping today, but unfortunately, I had to get sick from weather changes. I felt like crap; my nose was running every second, along with it being so stuffed up, my throat was killing me, and my head felt so heavy with all of the crap that was blocking my nasal passages. I texted Cody telling him I had to cancel on him today, and he was understanding, letting me rest until I felt better. I laid in my bed, watching How I Met Your Mother, drinking some tea to soothe my throat. I was also starting to get a cough, great. I was in the middle of another episode when I heard a knock on my door. I didn't bother to get it, knowing that if I didn't, the person would come in anyways. My thought was confirmed, as the door started to open, and Cody appeared. I smiled for the first time today, but it resulted in a cough escaping my lips. His face twisted with concern and worry, but I smiled again, to reassure him I was okay. 

"Hey, (Y/N). How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," I hoarsely spoke, wincing as my throat throbbed in pain.

"Is it just a cold? Do you have a fever?"

"I don't know. I think its just a cold, from weather changes." He walked over to me, setting the bag he had in his hands on the floor, and putting the back of his hand against my forehead.

"You feel warm, but I don't think you have a fever. I brought some things for you." He reached down and grabbed the bag, setting it on my bed, and spilling the contents out.

"I have some soup for you, some mashed potatoes, some tea, because I know what kind you absolutely love when you're sick, and I can tell you don't have this kind at the moment," I giggled, causing him to smile.

"I also have some movies, but I see you have Netflix, one of my shirts because I know you like to wear them, some cough drops and throat soothers, and finally, myself with some cuddles."

"Thank you, Cody. I love you. And the tea, I'm so thankful for because I didn't have that kind in the cabinet and I'm stuck with drinking instant tea." He chuckled and put everything back in the bag, besides the shirt, which he threw at me. I slipped my shirt off and tugged his on. I sighed happily as I was covered in the way he smells, and the softness of the shirt.

"I'm gonna go make you some soup. Or do you want mashed potatoes?

"Soup is fine for now. I'll have mashed potatoes later."

"Okay. I'll be back, and I'll make some tea for you." I thanked him and he went downstairs to make my food and drink, and went back to watching Netflix. After about 15 minutes, he came back upstairs, a tray in his hands, a bowl of soup and a cup of tea resting on it.

"Here you go, beautiful. Chicken noodle soup, your favorite, and your favorite tea when you're sick. I also brought some crackers if you want them with your soup. Here, sit up, it'll help you feel better." He helped me sit up, but I still felt like crap. He handed me the tray, setting the tea on my beside table. He softly climbed into my bed next to me, careful that I didn't spill my soup. He sat with me, making sure I was actually eating, and watching TV with me.

"Are you feeling any better?" He questioned when I finished my soup.

"A little. I do have a little more energy now that I ate."

"Well that's good. I really hate seeing you like this, all sick and weak. But, I'm gonna be here to take care of you and make sure you're better."

"Cody, I have a cold, or allergies from weather changes. It's not like I have the flu where I need someone to watch over me every second. Right now I just feel weak, tomorrow I'll probably feel better enough to go shopping."

"You may not be sick sick, but if you're feeling like crap, I wanna at least cuddle you to make you feel a little better. Do you not want me here or something, babe?" I laughed at him, pretending to be offended.

"No, of course not, Cody. I appreciate your company very much. Please don't leave."

"I wouldn't leave even if you told me to," he whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Thank you for the soup, and tea, and shirt, and everything."

"No problem, (Y/N). I'll do anything to make you feel better. That's my job," he smirked, very cockily, kissing my forehead once again.

"I'm kinda tired, I'm gonna sleep for a little," I whispered, due to exhaustion.

"Okay. I'll be here when you wake up." I closed my eyes and cuddled into Cody's chest. Within minutes, I was fast asleep

Cody's POV:

Right when (Y/N) closed her eyes, she was out like a light. I could tell she didn't get much sleep last night, probably up all night blowing her nose, coughing, and in pain from her sore throat. I hate seeing her sick, even if it's just a cold; it also means that I can't kiss her. She was cuddled up into my chest, which is honestly the best feeling ever. I continued to watch How I Met Your Mother, as she slept. At times, I would just stare at her, admiring her beauty, and how peaceful she looked. She slept for about two hours, and I'm glad because he needed it. She woke up at around 4, after falling asleep at around 1:45. She slowly sat up from my chest, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She still looked beautiful, even though she's exhausted and sleepy; she's so adorable when she's sleepy.

"How long did I sleep for?" She asked, whispering, still trying to fully wake up.

"About 2 hours. It's 4:05 right now. Do you want some dinner? Mashed potatoes and more tea?"

"Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you." I got up from my spot, pressing one last kiss to her forehead, and leaving the room to make her food.

Your POV:

Cody is the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. He cares about me so much, and he's so worried about me being 'sick', it's really cute, honestly. I smiled just thinking about him, how he's volunteering to take care of me, risking to get sick from me. He came back with my mashed potatoes and tea.

"Cody, you're amazing. Thank you, I love you, baby."

"I love you too, (Y/N). And you're welcome. I'll always take care of you, no matter what."

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