Telling the news - Wedding Series

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Your POV:

The next morning, I woke up in Cody's bed, alone besides Teddy. I smelled something coming from outside Cody's room, I'm guessing he's making breakfast. I sat in his bed for a few minutes, checking my social media and petting Teddy. Stella came running in about 10 minutes later, looking up at someone behind her; Cody appeared with a tray of food and drinks. I smiled widely and sat up, as he set the tray down on the bed, handing me a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon; my favorite. I sat crossed my legs to he had room to sit across from me, and we started to eat, talking quietly about our wedding, already.

"Wait, we have to announce it. Should I, or you, just do a simple post showing off the ring and not telling anything, making the fans go crazy? Or should we do a photoshoot, you know, be extra, and formally announce it?" He asked.

"I think we should formally announce it. I feel like it would upset your fans if you just nonchalantly post a picture and not explain what's going on." He nodded and continued to eat.

"What if we did both? Like either you or I, or both, post a random picture of your ring, then post another one formally announcing it," he suggested.

"Yes! Let's do that!" I agreed, anxious to announce it. After we finished, he went to wash the dishes off and I got dressed for the day.

Your outfit:

Cody's outfit:

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Cody's outfit:

We were going to go to the park, with Stella and Teddy, and take some pictures for the announcement, Phil would be taking them since he's in town at the moment

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We were going to go to the park, with Stella and Teddy, and take some pictures for the announcement, Phil would be taking them since he's in town at the moment. Once I was dressed, Cody starting to, I grabbed Stella and Teddy's leashes, getting everything ready for the pictures. When Cody was finally ready, we got in his Jeep and headed for the park. We met up with Phil when we got there and started to talk over ideas with him.

"I wanna do something with the dogs, because that's how I proposed to (Y/N). I'm wanna post one picture on Stella's account," Cody spoke up. I nodded, agreeing with the idea.

Cody Herbinko imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now