Looking for rings - Wedding Series

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Cody's POV:

Today I planned on going to look at rings to propose to (Y/N) with. I of course got her dad's blessing, as tradition, which made me extremely happy and less anxious. Okay I was still scared, but not as much knowing her dad was okay with this. My mom and Sam decided to go with me because I had no idea what girls like in rings; knowing me I'd pick the ugliest ring ever. We all arrived at the mall and made our way to the jewelry store. I immediately went to the rings section, but there was so much. A man, about in his 30s came over and greeted me.

"Hello, how are you?"

"Hi, I'm good, you?"

"In great, thank you. So what are you looking for today?"

"Um, an engagement ring." He smiled and nodded guiding me over to a case with bright rings.

"Do you know what you're looking for?"

"I don't want a classic looking ring, with a small diamond in the middle. I want around or square diamond with just the band." He nodded again and picked 5 out and set them on a piece of leather, or something, I don't know.

"Okay, so two of these are traditional looking, but have round diamonds. They're simple, but they're the most popular with us. You don't have to like them, I just show them to everyone, as they're popular, haha." I picked one up and turned it around in my hand.

" I picked one up and turned it around in my hand

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I really liked it. It was diamond encrusted on the side, just to about an inch and a half. It was really simple, but not eye catching. I picked up the other one and did the same as the last one.

 I picked up the other one and did the same as the last one

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It was really beautiful. The sides were wrapped around like a ribbon and had diamonds covering one strand on each. It wasn't as simple as the last one, but it still wasn't eye catching.

"I really like these, but they're not eye catching enough for what I want."

"That's totally fine. Like I said, you didn't have to like them, I just like too. Then we have just the circle cut rings. I have three, and if you don't like those I can pick a few others out."

I picked the first one up, slipping it on the tip of my finger

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I picked the first one up, slipping it on the tip of my finger. The diamond was round, it was eye catching, but the color of the silver was too dull for me; I wanted something bright.

 The diamond was round, it was eye catching, but the color of the silver was too dull for me; I wanted something bright

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The next one I picked up was a square cut diamond, I didn't like it very much. It was way too square, chunky, and big. I put it down seconds after I picked it up. I grabbed the last one I hadn't looked at yet, and immediately fell in love with it.

 I grabbed the last one I hadn't looked at yet, and immediately fell in love with it

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It was bright, eye catching, not too much and not too simple, it was perfect. The diamond was the perfect size, and it was bright silver.

"I'll take this one. It's beautiful." He smiled and took the ring from me.

"Great choice, young man." Hey, I didn't even need Sam and my mom. Speaking of them, I turned to find them and they were gone. While the ring was being cleaned, I called my mom.

(Bold is Cody, italics is his mom)


Mom where are you and Sam? I turned around and you were both gone.

Well it seemed like you were good on your own, you didn't need our help. So we wanted to walk around and shop and get some food.

Okay. I'm buying a ring right now, so can we meet at the entrance in like 5 minutes?

Oh you already chose one? I can't wait to see it. Yeah, we'll be there.

I hung up and turned back to the man as he started to ring up.

"Okay, that'll be $2,836." I handed him my credit card, knowing I had enough as I had been saving up for a while for this. He finished, handed me my car, and finally the box with the ring.

"Thank you so much, sir."

"No problem. I hope she says yes and I wish you two a happy marriage and life together." I walked out and headed towards the front of the mall. I saw my mom standing there, Sam gone. She noticed the look on my face, and told me she had ran into a friend and decided to shop with her.

"Let me see it, let me see it!" She yelled excitedly. I laughed and opened the box, showing off the flashy diamond.

"Cody, it's beautiful!  She's gonna love it. And she's definitely gonna say yes." I smiled and started to walk with her to leave.

Now all I have to do is plan on where and when I'm gonna propose. No big deal right?

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