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Your POV:

I was driving to the airport with Cody, on our way to a PressPlay event in DC. I could tell Cody was scared, but he didn't want to say. He knew how much I wanted to go and see everyone, and meet his fans, as they now had started to accept our relationship. I looked over to see him rubbing his hands together furiously, trying to stop shaking. I grabbed his clasped hands and pulled them apart, holding one in mine. It was very sweaty and shaky, and I sighed.

"Cody, we don't have to go to this event. We can skip, say you or I didn't feel good. Or say something else came up. Or just straight up tell them you have traveling anxiety. Cody, don't feel like you have to go just to make everyone happy. Everyone who works for PressPlay will understand, all of the talent will understand, and most importantly, your fans will understand."

"But I've already bailed on like 3 events. I know I hate traveling, but I just love to see my fans. They are what got me through hard times, they're always there for me, they support me, I don't wanna let them down again."

"Like I said, they will understand." He sighed and picked up his phone.

"David, hey. Um, I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it to the event this weekend. It's just my anxiety about traveling is really bad right now and I can't stop shaking. I really really wanna come, but it's just too far for me." It was quiet while David spoke, and Cody nodded along.

"Ok. Thank you so much for understanding. I promise the next time an event is close to me I'll be there. I'm so sorry." They talked for a few more minutes before he finally hung up. I pulled into an empty parking lot of a closed store, and parked the car. I turned in my seat and looked at Cody. He stared at the ground, not making eye contact with me.

"Babe, look at me." He shook his head.

"Cody, please. I just wanna help you."

"I don't need help. Can we please just go home." He finally spoke.

"No. I want you to look at me and hear me out."

"No! Just drive home! Or get out of the driver's seat so I can!" He yelled, making eye contact with me for the first time since we got in the car. I shied away, turning back around in my seat to drive away. I started making my way to his house; I was going to drop him off and leave, as I'm obviously not wanted by him today. It was silent the whole ride him, both of my hands on the wheel, not holding his. We finally arrived back at his house, and the second I parked he got out, grabbing his stuff from the back. He waited for me to get out.

"Aren't you coming in?" I shook my head, not making eye contact. He rolled his eyes and slammed the door. I sat there for a few minutes, contemplating on if I should go in or just leave. I looked at my phone to see a text from Cody.

From: Codyyy ❤️

im sorry babe

I ignored it, and I decided to give him some time alone. I drove back to my house, which is only a couple minutes from his. Once I was in, and sat on my couch watching tv, I noticed that Cody texted me a few more times.

From: Codyyy ❤️

Baby please answer me. I feel terrible for yelling at you

From: Codyyy ❤️

(Y/N)? Can you please come over?

From: Codyyy ❤️

Fuck I'm so sorry 😞 it's just normal for me to push people away when they try to help

I sighed, texting him back.

To: Codyyy ❤️

I know. I don't blame you, I do the same, but you didn't need to yell at me. I figured I would give you a couple hours to yourself before I came over

From: Codyyy ❤️

I don't need time to myself. I need you. I'm honestly a mess rn. I need to cuddle you and just know that you're not mad at me. Pleaaassse come over bb

To: Codyyy ❤️

Fine. I'll be over in a few

From: Codyyy ❤️

Yayyy!! Ily (Y/N) 💕💕

I didn't change because I was in sweatpants, comfortable for just laying around with Cody. I got back in my car and drove over to his house, again. I walked up to his door after parking in the driveway. He immediately opened the door, scaring me.

"Oh, um, h-hi," I stuttered, nervous for some reason. He sensed that, and pulled me into a hug. He buried his face in my neck, pressing soft kisses to it. He pulled me inside, closing the door behind me, all while still hugging me. We pulled away and he looked into my eyes.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry I yelled at you. I was just nervous and on edge, I would've yelled at anyone. But, of course I had to yell at you, I couldn't have called Wes or Cody or Drew, or I could've even yelled at David, but I had to yell at you, my girlfriend. A-and I," he broke down crying, which broke my heart. I pulled him towards the couch, letting him rest his head on my chest. He sobbed, letting all of his emotions out all at once. I rubbed his back, trying to calm him down. I also pressed a few kisses to his forehead. He started to calm down after about 10 minutes. He finally stopped crying 5 minutes later. I continued to rub his back.

"I love you, (Y/N). I don't know what I would do without you, honestly. You are such an amazing girlfriend. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done. And I'm so sorry about taking you away from going to DC to meet my fans and see everyone again. I promise I'll make it up to you soon."

"Cody, you don't need to. I'm not mad that we aren't going to DC, all that matters is that you're happy. And if you're not happy with traveling and have to cancel last minute, I'm fine with that. As long as I get to cuddle with you and be in your arms. Well, right now you're in my arms," we both giggled.

"I'm happy right now. I let all of my sadness and emotions out, and now just cuddling with you is making me happy, so thank you."

No problem, Cody. I'll always be here for you." He pressed a soft kiss to my lips before pulling me closer into him, my head now laying on his chest.

A/N: I've been having so much feels lately, and been inspired to write, so I'll be writing an imagine almost every night (if possible) plus it honestly feels so good to finally write again after 2 months of nothing 😌 and, I'm trying to build this book up, so I wanna post a few imagines, just so it can get around :)

Cody Herbinko imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now