Tattoos part 2

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Cody's POV:

Today was the day (Y/N) and I were getting our matching tattoos. We decided on getting matching anchors on our pinkies, as a symbol that we'll always trust each other and be with each other, even when we drift apart and/or break up. She came over at around 9 in the morning, planning on driving there with me. Our appointment was at 11, so we had some time to hang out and talk before.

"Are you scared?" I asked her while we were sat cuddling on the couch.

"No. why?"

"I mean you don't have that many tattoos, are you used to them yet?" She chuckled a little.

"We're getting a finger tattoo. I've had one before, and it has some detail on it. That hurt bad. The question is, are you scared? Finger tattoos hurt bad." I felt my face drain, totally forgetting the area we were getting the tattoo. She laughed loudly at my reaction, but I didn't find it funny.

"Come on, we're gonna be late. And if you get scared I'll go first, and when you go I'll hold you hand, okay Cody?" She said in a childish voice. I rolled my eyes and started my car, making my way to the tattoo parlor. Once I had parked, we walked inside together. I went up to the desk and checked in, being told the artist would take us back in a few.

"Are you scared now?" She smirked at me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, again.

"No. I'm used to it."

"That's not what it looked like when I told you finger tattoos hurt. The color in your drained so fast," she giggled. The artist called us back a few minutes later, and I gave him a picture of the design that we wanted. (btw it's just the tattoo, not the place; they're getting it on their pinkies :))

 (btw it's just the tattoo, not the place; they're getting it on their pinkies :))

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Your POV:

"Alright. I'm gonna get this traced and I'll be back. One of you can sit in the chair." I decided to be brave and sat down first, sparing Cody the fear. The artist came back and sat down with the stencil, starting to prepare the ink and needle. Once he had everything set up, he wiped my hand off and placed the stencil where I wanted it. He started to tattoo, and I winced at the feeling; I haven't gotten one in a while, so I wasn't used to it very well. I felt Cody grab my hand as he laughed at me.

"Are you scared now, baby?" He smirked at me. I scoffed at him.

"No. I haven't gotten a tattoo in a while, and I really don't have that many, so it still hurts for me. But I'm not scared." He chuckled a little and shook his head, squeezing my hand out of comfort. I smiled, but winced again when I remembered that a needle was poking into my skin. I laid back and closed my eyes, trying not to focus on the pain going through my hand. Cody brought our intertwined hands up to his face and pressed a kiss to the back of my hand. I grinned, opening my eyes and turning my head to look at him.

"It's looking good. I like it." I had chosen not to look at it until it was done, like I always do when I get a new tattoo; I like the surprise and suspense of seeing it when it's fully complete.

About 10 minutes later, it was finally finished. I let out a sigh of relief, happy that the needle was gone. I looked down at my hand, which was currently being cleaned by the tattoo artist. He rolled away and it was revealed; it looked amazing!

"Wow! It looks amazing! Thank you so much!" I thanked the artist. He smiled warmly at me.

"No problem. I enjoyed doing this, I think its a cute idea." I got up, after he wrapped my hand and told me all of the intrusions to take care of it, and Cody took my place. I sat in the chair he was sitting in, grabbing his hand, like he did to me. When the needle hit his skin, he didn't even flinch, causing me to roll my eyes; I knew on the inside he was screaming like a little girl.

After 20 minutes, his was done, cleaned up, and wrapped. We walked to the counter together, Cody paying for both tattoos. We thanked the artist one last time and walked to Cody's jeep hand in hand.

"Is yours hurting?" He asked, sounding kind pain?

"No. Why? Is yours?" I teased him. He laughed nervously.

"No. I was just wondering." I could tell his hand was hurting, but I decided to let it go.  We talked the whole way home, about everything. He pulled into his driveway, getting out and walking right in to his house. I followed, closing the door, Stella jumping up on me to greet me. I sat on the floor with her, playing around, as Cody took a video of us. I got up and hugged him, and he returned the action.

"I love you, Cody. And this tattoo proves it. I was really against matching tattoos before, but you're so important to me and I don't see you not being in my life, I thought it was appropriate," I confessed to him.

"Well I'm glad you did because I don't see you ever leaving my life either. I love you so much, (Y/N). I will love you forever. If we break up, I'll still love you. If I happen to get another girlfriend, which I don't see happening, I'll still love you. And of course, when we get married, I'll love you until the day I die." I started to tear up at his little speech, a few falling down my cheeks; he noticed and wiped them away, softly chuckling. 

"Damn, that made me love you even more." He grinned and kissed my cheek.

"How and why and when did we become a sappy romantic couple? I don't like it, honestly," I pointed out. He shrugged and dragged me upstairs with him suddenly, Stella following us. He fell onto his bed, pulling me down with him. I giggled as he started to place kisses all over my face.

"I can't help falling in love with you, baby," he whispered in my ear.

"Are you just singing the song or being serious?"

"Both. It's stuck in my head. And I really can't help it, beautiful." I blushed and hid my face in his neck. 

I couldn't help it either.

OMG THIS ENDING SUCKS IM SORRY. Hope you liked the second part 😊

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