Giving up on love

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Your POV:

I sat with Cody on his bed, laying next to each other, staring up at the ceiling. We spent most of the time in a deep conversation about life; what we want to do when we get out of high school, what college we want to go to, everything. We then got to the topic of relationships. We were both current single, and I knew he liked this one girl at school. The secret is that I really liked him.

"I'm giving up on love," he muttered. I furrowed my eyebrows in a confused manner.

"Why?" I softly whispered.

"It's obvious that the girl I love is never gonna love me back, so why even try anymore? It's stupid anyways. You fall in love, it's great for about 6 to 8 months, then everything falls apart. Either you fall out of love or just drift away from each other. Might as well save my heartbreak and not love at all."

"I don't think love is all that bad. I mean, when you fall in love, it's honestly amazing. The person you love can do just a little thing, as simple as fixing their hair,  or smile, and it can drive you crazy for hours. I know how it feels. But, I get where you're coming from." He sighed.

"It's just why should I try for something that's not gonna happen? Yeah, in a few years I might believe in it again, but for now I just don't." I slowly nodded. I tried to prevent tears coming out of my eyes, but I couldn't help it. How would you feel if the guy you love says he doesn't believe in love? Tears were rolling down my cheeks silently, thankfully Cody didn't notice.

"And I'm sorry if you feel the opposite. It's just what I believe."

"Yeah," I sighed deeply.

"Um, I think I'm gonna go home. I don't feel good," I suddenly got up, collecting all of my stuff and getting ready to leave.

"What's wrong? What hurts?" My heart. His eyes suddenly got wide. Wait, did I say that out loud?

"You said your heart hurts. Why? Who hurt you?"


He froze. Great. I probably just ruined our friendship.

"You, wait. You, you, um, you like me?" I nodded.

"And I just gave you a whole speech on how I give up on trying to find love..."

"Yep." He sighed and got up, and walked towards me.

"Y/N), you are the reason I gave up on love. I liked you for so long, and maybe even loved. You never showed any interest in me, so I thought you didn't feel the same way."

"Of course I didn't because if I did you would have found out. I didn't want you to find out because I knew it would run our friendship. And I didn't want that. I still want you in my life, whether it's as a friend and/or best friend or boyfriend. And I thought that if I confessed my feelings to you, you wouldn't feel the same way and I would be crushed. I also thought you would push me away after I told you, because you either would think I'm weird or you wouldn't feel the same way."

"Well, I do feel the same way. And I'll confess my feelings formally," he laughed.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), I really like you. And I do return your feelings you have for me." I smiled at him and he pulled me into a huge hug.

"We're both a couple of idiots aren't we? We liked each other for a long time, and we were too stupid to see it." We both giggled and he pressed his forehead against mine.

"I, uh, I think I love you, (Y/N). And I know I said I don't believe in love anymore, but really all I needed was someone to show me that it's possible. And I found you. I was just stupid enough not to notice what I needed was right in front of me."

"I love you too, Cody. And I'm glad I was the one you needed."

"So, um, will you be my girlfriend? You don't have to if you don't wanna lose our friendship and-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"We can still be in a relationship and be best friends. You will always be my best friend, no matter what." He smiled and kissed me this time.

"So, was that a yes?"

"Of course it was."

"Great. Now I have a question."


"When you mentioned how the smallest of things can make you go crazy, were you talking about me?" He shyly asked. I smiled and looked down, avoiding his eyes.

"Yes it was. When you smile my heart races. When you fix your hair, my heart races. When you simply say hi, I go crazy, or when you say my name. That's how I knew I loved you. Whatever you did just made my heart and stomach go crazy."

"Well then I definitely don't think I love you, I know I love you. When you smile, which is rare but it's now my job to make you smile every single day, my heart beats so fast I feel like it's gonna pop out of my chest. When you sleep, you look so peaceful and adorable, all cuddled up. All I can think about is how I want to wake up to that sight every single morning, how I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up. I love you , (Y/N). I really do. And forget my whole speech, it was honestly stupid. I was speaking out of hate, because you didn't like me back."

"Speaking out of hate? So you hated me because I didn't like you back? Wow, do you know how to speak nice to a girl," I sarcastically pointed out.

"Wait, no, I didn't mean it like that. I meant that, uh, um,"

"Cody I'm messing with you. I know what you meant. You were speaking out of anger at the fact that I didn't like you. You didn't hate me, you were just upset I didn't feel the same way."

"Yeah," he shyly admitted. I giggled and gave him another hug. He held me close to him, and I enjoyed the feeling of being in his arms.

"I'll always love you, baby," he whispered.

"I'll always love you too, Herbinko."

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