Planning the Proposal - Wedding Series

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Cody's POV:

After I had bought an engagement ring, I started to think of ideas of how to propose to (Y/N). I spent the whole ride home after the mall and the rest of the night thinking of ways. Doing it while we're out to eat at a restaurant is too mainstream, like putting it in her wine glass or in her dessert. I ruled that out and thought about doing it at a PressPlay event. But. Of course, some fans would be upset and they didn't pay to see me propose, they paid to see Wes and Cody perform and meet everyone. Ruling that one out as well, my next idea was just popping the question at home one day. Well be alone, she'll be sitting on the couch, ill ask her to come into the kitchen really quick, and I'll get down on one knee and- no, that's stupid. I sighed as I fell back onto my bed, Stella coming up to me and licking my face. Suddenly, an idea popped into my mind. I quickly sat up, Stella jumping back from being shocked, and looked towards her. A huge smile appeared on my face as she just stared at me confused.

I started to figure out everything that needed to happen for the proposal to work. So, here's how it goes. I would ask (Y/N) to go with me to the dog park with Stella and her own dog Teddy, a husky, since they get along really well. Either I would ask her to go get us something to drink, or she would offer to because she wanted something herself. I would put the ring on Stella's collar, after putting on a new collar with a dog tag that says 'will you marry me?' on Teddy. I would ask her if she noticed something off about Teddy's collar, that being it's a different color than it was when we got here, she would see the tag, Stella would come over and show off the ring, she would turn to me and I would be on one knee, ready to propose. I pet Stella for a little before jumping up, slipping on my shoes and grabbing my keys. I drove to the nearest Pet Smart, going straight to the fog section. I found a nice purple collar, as a new one for Teddy is part of my plan. I then walked to the dog tag machine, chose a black bone with diamonds or jewels or whatever on the four corners, and wrote a simple 'Marry me?' I printed it, or engraved it, and when it came out, I knew it was perfect. I walked in line to pay, then left. Now that my plan was done, I had to pick a date of when I wanted to propose. I decided to do it next week, I honestly don't think I could wait any longer, I wanted to marry her already! After a long day of planning and thinking, I finally laid down and relaxed in my bed, cuddling with Stella, thinking about how long she's been with (Y/N) and I. We got her after we were together for a year, as (Y/N) had always wanted a dog, and I wanted a cuddle buddy at night when (Y/N) couldn't stay over. Plus, I've always wanted a dog as well. Stella stayed with me, she stayed with (Y/N), and she was always by our side when either of us, or both, were sad. Also, when we would fight and separate from each other, she would tug on one of our sleeves or pants, depending if we had any loose clothing on, and practically drag us back to each other. This dog means so much to me, and that's the reason she's in my plan to ask (Y/N) to marry me.

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