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HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!! 🦃🍂 I'm honestly really thankful for everyone who reads this book, and I'm really thankful for Cody. He makes me really really happy, and I wouldn't be happy without him ❤️ enjoy your day with you family AND EAT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!!

Your POV:

This year, Cody decided to spend thanksgiving with me and my family. I was happy because I got to spend the whole day with Cody, and I would have someone to talk to the whole time, without being awkward. He came over the night before, and stayed the night. On Thanksgiving morning, we ate breakfast, got dressed, and cuddled until we had to go see my family.

"I love my family, but I'm really not looking forward to spending all day with them. They're gonna bother you so much, asking you where you go to school, what job you have, what you like to do, why you're dating me, everything about you."

"(Y/N) it'll be fine. I'm fine with answering questions." He chuckled.

"That's not the point, though. The point is it's rude of them to ask such personal questions. What if you have past relationships you don't like to speak about and they ask you about it? And then they're gonna feel bad and keep talking about it. They just don't have a filter sometimes."

"Calm down, babe. I know how to handle situations like this. I am famous, and I don't have that much privacy, and some of my fans are rude and tend to ask very personal questions." (I'M NOT HATING ON ANY FAN OF CODY'S IT'S JUST FOR THE STORY. I BET YOU ALL ARE VERY NICE PEOPLE)

"Okay. But just tell me if they're making you feel uncomfortable and I'll tell them to stop. Just touch my hand, or softly nudge me, or something to tell me." He nodded and pressed a kiss to my forehead

"Come on, we should probably go downstairs now." We got up, him grabbing me by the hips into a hug. He shoved his face into my neck, pressing multiple kisses in different places he could reach.

"I love you, baby."

"Love you too, Cody. Let's go." I pulled him downstairs behind me, seeing most of my family sitting in the living room.

"(Y/N), Cody, you guys came down just in time. The Thanksgiving Day Parade is starting." I excitedly jumped onto the couch, Cody trailing slowly behind me, as he sat on the floor in front of me. He tilted his head back, resting it against the cushion, and I smiled down at him. He laughed a little and turned his attention the the TV.

"So, how long have you guys been dating, (Y/N)?" My aunt asked. I sighed. Here it begins; I honestly thought it would start later than this.

"Um, a little over a year. Our anniversary was a few weeks ago."

"Aw that's cute. I didn't think you would be able to be in a  relationship for that long," she joked, causing a forced smile to appear and laugh to escape. I was quiet after that. Cody noticed, as he tilted his head back again and gave me a sorrowful look. He pursed his lips, waiting for a kiss. I leaned down to fulfill his need, or want. He mouthed 'I love you' and I smiled, repeating his action. We went back to watching TV, and my family didn't ask one more question. At times, some of my other family members would arrive, stopping me from watching the parade, saying hi to them, and introducing Cody; I'm so glad Cody is so friendly and not scared that he's meeting my extended family.

It was now about 1:30, my aunts and uncles are all here, talking with my mom, their kids are running around the house and in the backyard. There was so much going on, but I'm glad I had Cody to keep me company. We sat on the couch together, him watching the football game as I played on my phone.



"Are you mad you're here? Like, you could be with your family, instead you're sitting with me in this cramped house, with a bunch of kids running around."

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