The Night Before - Wedding Series

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Your POV:

A couple weeks ago, my family and friends flew out to California for the wedding. For the first few days, Cody and I stayed in a room together at a hotel, then on the day before, my bridesmaids made us split up. I complained for about 10 minutes, only wanting to cuddle with Cody.

"Why can't we just spend the last night together?" I whined at my best friend, who is my maid of honor.

"You're going to see each other tomorrow night, hopefully in a way different way, and you'll spend time with him on your honeymoon. I think one night won't kill you, (Y/N)." I sighed, feeling defeated, knowing I wasn't going to get my way. I decided to give up and spend the night with my friends. We watched Bridesmaids, of course, and talked about my relationship with Cody over the past few years we've been dating; we talked about nights we spent at each other's house, our dates, everything. I had the biggest smile on my face the whole time I spoke, only making me more excited to marry my best friend in the world, my soulmate. After talking about Cody, I decided to go over the plans for tomorrow, who's doing my makeup, hair, etc, and also went over the wedding; just small things like who would walk down on what order and where they would sit.

I wanted to sleep already, I want it to be tomorrow.

I wonder how Cody's doing?

Cody's POV:

I'm freaking out. Questions are running through my head like crazy, and all I want to do is call (Y/N). I keep asking myself if I actually want to get married, if she does, if I'm making the right decision; I needed to call her and have her calm me down.

"Dude, calm your shit. Everything's fine. I talked to (Y/B/F/N) and she said (Y/N) still wants to marry you, she's actually very excited. They all spent like half an hour talking about everything that's happened in your relationship, happy of course, and she seemed so excited for tomorrow," Wes tried to calm me down, which kind of worked.

"What happens if I slip up, and panic and say no because my mind is spinning? What happens if I freak out even more and run off?" He sighed and sat next to me.

"Do you love (Y/N)?" I nodded, tears springing to my eyes.

"And you obviously want to spend the rest of your life with her, otherwise you wouldn't have asked her to marry you. Cody, I know you. You won't run off because you care about (Y/N) way too much. You don't even let her leave your side when you meet fans in public. I don't see you leaving her, knowing it would break her heart. Do you realize how excited she is to marry you?" I shook my head softly, having a small idea, as much as I heard her talk about it when she was around me.

"I called her the day after you two got engaged to congratulate her, and she talked for about 15 minutes on how you proposed, and how sweet she thought it was. She had so much love in her voice, it was the cutest thing ever." My heart started to slow its fast pace, my muscles relaxing, my mind settling its racing thoughts. I sighed and hugged Wes.

"Thank you. I was so desperate to calm down, I needed something. I needed to call (Y/N), or just hear her voice, or just talk about her for a little." He nodded and patted my back, before I fell back, stretched out, facing the ceiling, my eyes closed. I thought everything over.

I do love (Y/N). I want to marry her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want to start a family with her.

She's my soulmate, my rock, my everything. In that moment, I knew I was making the right decision to marry her; I needed her in my life.

A/N: sorry this sucks, I couldn't think of any really good ideas to do with this chapter

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