Planning - Wedding Series

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His POV:

(Y/N) and I sat in bed one morning, cuddling and talking quietly. We got to the topic of our wedding as I started to mess with her engagement ring.

"So where do you wanna get married?" She quietly asked.

"On the beach, in Cali. That one week we went there for vacation, while we were at the beach one day, was the moment I realized I wanted to marry you. We were just walking along the shoreline, holding hands, and the way the wind blew your hair and the sun shined on your skin, your eyes closing as you took in the cool air and soft wind and the smell of saltwater, that's when I realized I wanted to wake up next to you every morning, for the rest of my life. In that moment, I knew I wanted to marry you." She started to tear up and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

"I love you, Cody. Of course we can get married on the beach. So the wedding will be in California? On that beach possibly." I smiled and nodded.

"Can we have the colors be red and white? I just think it's so beautiful. My cousin's wedding were those colors and it was just beautiful."

"Sure. I mean, it is your wedding, well it is mine too. But I want it to be a wedding that you wanna have. And if you don't like an idea of mine, tell me. I'm totally fine with whatever you choose."

"I'm not gonna make you do that. You have a say in what you want. It's not just my wedding, like you said, it's not just your wedding."

"Yes, that's true, but you've been waiting your whole life for this. I want you to be happy, (Y/N.)"

"I already am happy. With you." I grinned widely and pulled her closer to me, if possible.

"I need to start looking for a dress, oh my gosh!" I laughed.

"How about you do that today? And I can pick go look for tuxes?"

"Yeah that works," she grinned, getting up to get ready.

*at David's Bridal*

Your POV:

I walked into David's Bridal with my mom, Cody's mom, my cousins, my aunt, my sister, my best friend and my littlest cousin, hoping to find a dress for me and dresses for them. A lady came up and greeted us, guiding us to a remote section where everyone could sit.

"Okay, do you have an idea of what you're looking for?" She asked me politely.

"Yes. I want something with lace, not too white but not to yellow-ish or ivory. Something with a design on the corset. Um, I don't have a preferred size, like tight-fitting or poofy. I'll decide later." She nodded and walked away, finding a few dresses that would fit my ideas. I sat and talked with everyone while I waited, and she came back around 6 or 7 minutes later.

"Okay, I grabbed four, just to start off. Try them on and I'll take whatever you don't like." I thanked her walked into the dressing room, slipping on the first dress. It was a really poofy dress, with a bejeweled top. Honestly, I looked like a princess.

I walked out to show everyone, and everyone's jaw dropped and eyes widened

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I walked out to show everyone, and everyone's jaw dropped and eyes widened. I gave a small spin and grinned widely.

"I love it. But, I feel like it's too puffy to get around in. And I'm definitely not gonna want to change out of it at the reception. So, it's a choice, but if I find another dress smaller in width, this ones out." They all 'awed' and their smiles disappeared. I walked back into the dressing room and tried the second one on.

 I walked back into the dressing room and tried the second one on

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It was perfect. I loved it. I walked out again and again, everyone smiled and awed.

"I like this one too, but the only problem is I feel like the cleavage goes down too much."

"Well, I mean Cody will like it," my best friend smirked at me, causing my mom to cough awkwardly.

"Oh come on, Mrs (Y/L/N), its obvious. They've been dating for so long, there's no doubt Cody has seen all of it."

(Y/B/F/N), shut up!" I scolded her. I went back to the changing room, ruling out that dress. I tried on the third one, and I knew this was the one.

I started to tear up, thinking about walking down the aisle in this

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I started to tear up, thinking about walking down the aisle in this. I walked out and everyone gasped loudly.

"I think that's the one, sweetie," Cody's mom whispered, wiping her tears.

"I think so, too. I'll take this one."

"Don't you want to try the last one on?" My mom asked. I shook my head, knowing it wouldn't top this one. I changed back into my clothes and walked out with the dress, leaving the other four in the dressing room as I was told to do. The lady took the measurements she needed, filling out a piece of paper, along with the dress information.

"Alright. I just need you to fill out this really quick, and the dress should be here a few weeks before your wedding date." I smiled and thanked her, filling the paper out quickly. We thanked her one last time and left, deciding to get some lunch at a nearby restaurant.

I wonder how Cody's doing?

I got home later that day, worn out from the everything. Cody was sprawled out on our bed, and I giggled when I saw his tired expression.

"Worn out, Herbinko?" He sighed heavily.

"Yeah. I didn't know trying on tuxes would be so tiring. But I did get one, finally. Did you get a dress?"

"Yep. And you're not seeing it until the wedding," I hopped his nose, sitting next to him as he sat up.

"Why not, babe?" He complained.

"It's bad luck! And I don't know about you, but I want to have a happy marriage." He smiled and kissed me, after wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Mhm, lets go to sleep, baby girl." I blushed and got up to change. Once we both had changed into more comfortable clothes, we cuddled up under the covers and watched some TV.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear.

"I love you, too."

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