PressPlay Surprise

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Cody's POV:

I was in Chicago for PressPlay, but (Y/N) wasn't with me. She went to San Fransisco for her cousin's wedding that she was in. They went a week early, for some reason, so I hadn't seen her since last week. I was sitting in my hotel room texting (Y/N), trying to prevent being bored; I had just gotten to the hotel, late at night, and everyone else was asleep.

To: my princess 💕

Shouldn't you be asleep for your cousin's wedding tomorrow?? 🤔

From: my princess 💕

I should, but why would I do that when I can text you?

To: my princess 💕

Ok true, but you really should sleep. It's like 1 in the morning. Goodnight baby I love you 💘

From: my princess 💕

Love you too Cody. I'll talk to you tomorrow, Have fun at the event!! 😘

I set my phone down after plugging it in, got changed into some comfy clothes, and fell asleep watching some TV show.

*the next day*

Cody's POV:

The event was today, but all I wanted to do was stay in my hotel bed, eat, and sleep, to be honest. I was exhausted from flying, and staying up later than I should have. Reluctantly, I got up from the bed and took a shower. I got dressed in a white t-shirt and a black pair of jeans, with my new Vans, slipping on a pink Supreme hoodie. I turned the TV off, grabbed my phone and my room key, walking to the elevator. Once downstairs in the ballroom where the event was being held, I already saw fans lining up. Some noticed me and started to wave me over, so of course I walked over there to meet them.

"Hey guys! How are you?" I greeted them, hugging each one.

"We're great. Just waiting to meet Wes. Is (Y/N) with you?" My smile kind of dropped, but not enough to notice.

"No. She went to California for her cousin's wedding, which is today, so she couldn't come. And honestly, I love my fans so much, and I would never miss out on meeting everyone, but I would've loved to go to the wedding with her. She asked me but I said no, because of the event."

"Is she mad at you? That you chose your fans over her?" One of the girls, wearing a Drew Philips shirt, asked.

"No. I mean I think she was upset that I wasn't going with her, but she understands that I love to meet my fans. She knows that just because I don't pick her over my fans doesn't mean I love her less." They awed at me and all I did was blush.

"Sorry, but I have to go backstage. I'll see you guys later, it was nice to meet you." And with that, I walked backstage to see everyone talking. I walked over to Cody Ryle, who was on his phone, alone. He looked up when he saw me.

"Hey, Herbinko. Ready for the Q&A today?" I nodded, taking a bite of a piece of pizza that was in a box on the table.

For this event, they decided to have each group of people, for example Drew and Madeline, David and Dillon, Christian and Wes, and me and Cody R., would have a Q&A session for most of the night, instead of having Christian and Wes perform only. I think its a good idea, as the fans would get to ask whatever they want, which would allow them to get to know us a little better. (I know this isn't how PressPlay works, but I like the idea of it 😂)

Once the event started, I stood in my spot, waiting for one of my fans to come up and say hi. One eventually got enough courage to walk up, and I pulled her into a hug, asking her how she was. This went on for a while, a few asking about (Y/N), a few asking about Stella, the usual. It was finally time for the Q&A, the twins going first because they had to leave earlier than the event ended. Once they were done, it was Drew and Madeline, then Christian and Wes, then Mike and his girlfriend. Finally, it was Cody and I's turn. We walked onto the stage, sitting in the chairs where we were supposed to sit. The crowd continued to clap as we sat and were handed our mics.

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