I'll Always Remember; Chapter 5

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Me; Hailey, I'm going to move out today. I don't know where exactly, a lot of things are happening. Please call or text me, I really need you.

I finished packing my stuffs, I still can't believe that Dad slapped me. Dad never did that once in my whole life not until now. I miss my old life; me, mom and dad. "if Mom is just here" I whisper, tears fell down. I hear loud footsteps outside, I rushly wipe the tears off my eyes.

"Hey, sweetie" he says, "h-hey" I sobbingly say. "Are you ready?" he asks, I nod. He grab my bags and went downstairs, before leving the room, I stare at it. I guess I'll miss this even though we just moved here.

I went downstairs, I saw Dad putting my bags in the trunk. Louise pass me, "wait! where are you taking me? New york?" I asks curiously. "No honey, to a friend of mine. She lives with her son, just the two of them so adding another one in their family won't be a big deal. After all, she agreed" she says.

A friend, really? What if they'll treat me like Cinderella? I sigh.

We enter the car, Dad start the engine and drive.


Few kilometers away from home, we arrived. Looking at the window, I can see the house. It's a big house with a garage and a yard, it only has second floor but it's wide, it's color is neutral - outside. How can two person live in this huge house?

Louise stepped out of the car and open my door, "we're here" she says, Dad also stepped outside and headed to the trunk. She knock at the door, someone opened it - It's the principal. "Hey, Lauren" Louise says as she hug her. "Hey" Mrs. Lautner says. "It's been a while" she continue.

She look at me, "oh, it's you!" she exclaim, "hi" I say. "Come on in" she invites. We stepped inside, It's a huge living room for entertainment, "sit down, you want any drinks?" she asks "no, we won't stay long" Louise says.

"Actually, I wonder if it's okay if Frances stay here for a few weeks" Louise explains. "Sure, it's quite a big house for me and Christian" she agree. Wait Christian?

"Christian, come down here" Mrs, Lautner call, "coming" he reply, running downstairs. I look away from them, hid my face with my hair. Why didn't I taught of it? Of course the son is him!

"Hey Auntie" he says, hugging Louise, "hey kiddo, you grew up!" she says, "how's my big heartthrob?" she continue. "Never better" he says, "oh i heard there's a new girl? Can I meet her?" he excitingly asks. you can't, you can't.

"Sure, Frances this is Christian" she says, I look at him, "you!" he exclaim, "h-hey!" I greet. "You know each other?' Louise asks, I nod "A little"

"This is the last one" Dad says with a sigh. "You have a lot of baggage, sweetie" he adds, he look at me and when I look away, he just remain silent. "I guess we should go now, Lauren" she says. "Oh, then goodbye, we'll take care of her for the meantime" Mrs. Lautner responds, "take care of her Chris" Louise added, Christian nod.

I watch them both enter the car and drive away, I didn't get a chance to say farewell.

"So, I'll prepare dinner. Show Frances her room, Chris" she says, walking towards the kitchen.

"Let's go" he utter, walking upstairs, "Hello? Aren't you going to help me?" I disappointedly asks. He sigh "I'll carry those, my lady" he bow.

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