Chapter 5

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We returned to the camp a few moments after the attacking incident. I was given food and water. Surprisingly, I recognized what I was eating; rice with vegetables. The familiar meal brought a sense of home, but still, I missed it. I know nothing will ever be the same as it was, especially with the large amount of time that has passed.

I barely had time to eat before the leader of the group that saved me from the attacker, who I've learned is an Assassin, approached me.

"Ma'am, we will be heading back to headquarters soon. We can't let you be in the way of danger."

I smile at him before he walks away. I finished my food, leaving me with nothing else to do. My mind automatically begins to think. I know my family is gone; They died. All I hope for is that they died a quick and painless death. I'm pulled from my thoughts as the leader strides over to me.

"We're ready to leave." He sticks out his arm for me to grasp. I guess it'll take a while for my muscles to get back to where they were before. This must've been why I had to exercise so much back in the Isu Era.

I'm led into a rectangular, white motorized vehicle. It holds 4 people in the back, including me. They're all holding weapons. Wow, everyone's on edge in this time period. I wonder if attacks happen often or if it is just their line of work that pulls them into danger.

Before I know it, we've arrived at the destination. The leader decides to speak up to inform me.

"Ma'am, to be sure that our location isn't compromised, we must blindfold you. Please forgive us for having to do this."

I slightly nod and offer a small smile. He blindfolds me and I hear the doors of the vehicle open. I grasp the leader's arm and begin walking beside him, leaning on him for extra support. I'm led down a ramp, which means we are going below ground. Why does it seem that everyone has a base underground?

"We're here." The leader takes my blindfold off. I spot two cages in the room. Everything seems to be powered by electricity. There are many machines and extra doors leading to rooms, all of which are probably locked.

"Our boss requested that you stay in here for the time being." The leader points to one of the cages. "He says you are going to have to earn his trust before you can roam around headquarters."

I offer a small smile. I know I have to stay on their good sides. They are people of power; I can tell by the way they walk.

I'm led into the metal cage. They lock the door before leaving. Moments later, the Assassin is thrown to the ground into the cage beside me. My eyes grow wide with fear as the memories of him threatening my life return to the surface. He picks himself up as his attention shifts to me.

"Ugh great, I'm stuck next to you." His tone implies that he is one of arrogance. He rubs his face with his hands and lowers his body onto the small makeshift bed, similar to the one in my cell. Realizing that he cannot hurt me from the other cage, I decide to relax. I lay my head onto the soft pillow of my bed. Everything is a lot comfier than what I'm used to. Slaves only received the leftovers of what the Isu had.

The assassin stands and remains very still, drawing my attention. He's leaning against the cage bars with his eyes closed. I notice that one of his ears are faced toward 2 of the men talking. The conversation quickly ends and the assassin sits on his bed. His expression displays confusion while his eyes are focused on me. I return his glance before quickly breaking the eye contact. His eyes show determination and appear threatening to me. I have to remind myself that he is locked in a cage and can do no harm. His voice breaks the silence.

"Did you hear any of their conversation?" he asks. I nod no.

"They said that their not sure what you're capable of. They're afraid of you." He gives me a questioning look. "And why is that? What are you hiding?" I stare back at him. My breaths are becoming heavy. They couldn't possible know who I am. If I think about everything, they did find me in a vault. I try to break the stressful feelings by turning to my other side and drifting off to sleep.

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