Chapter 9

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"Brother!" I yell as I run up to him and wrap him in my arms. Chase stands behind us and watches awkwardly.

"Are you alright? They didn't hurt you, did they?" Brother pulls out of the hug and stands back to examine.

"We didn't hurt her." Chase says bluntly, breaking his silence.

"Then what is this?" Brother's voice escalates. He grabs my right hand and lifts it revealing the red marks from the rope. Brother's voice has startled me. I've never heard him raise his voice before. He has always been calm and respectful, never speaking up to anyone. Maybe the years he has lived alone changed him.

"They tied her up. It's assassin protocol. We can't have any surprises from our guests." I feel Brother relax a bit as he drops my hand.

"So they don't know about her powers?" Brother almost whispers.

"I didn't tell them anything. Anything they know they figured out on their own."

"Thank you." I decide to cut into their conversation and speak for myself.

"Anytime," Chase responds.

There is a short and comfortable silent moment that the three of us share.

"Lexi, would you consider training with me? I give a confused look at Chase's offer. "The Templars aren't exactly the type to give up on something. I'm sure they're going to come after you sooner or later."

I open my mouth to decline before Brother interrupts me.

"You should do it. It will be the best way to hide your abilities if you ever come into conflict. Fighting like a normal person will avoid the extra unwanted attention."

My gaze shifts to Chase, who is looking at me with a sympathetic and pleading look. I sigh, giving in to his request, before responding.

"I accept your offer. When shall we begin?"

"We can start today. You never know when they'll come. It would be better if we start as soon as possible. We don't have to rush it. Learning the basics will be good enough." I nod in agreement at Chase's comment. "I can stop by in like an hour. You two seem like you have a lot to catch up on."

Chase leaves Brother's new residence. It is located assassin territory, not far from their base. It only takes a few minutes to walk between the two. When Chase was leading me here, I spotted a few undercover assassins acting as normal civilians. The leader wasn't kidding when he said he has people everywhere.

"Brother, I don't understand how you're here."

"Master, he was a good man," Brother starts. "He cared about you, about all of us. After discovering what Dr. Gultz's secondary plan was, he decided that it would be best if you had someone else with you to guide you and add extra support in this unfamiliar time. He worked day and night digging a secret room underground. Mother and I helped with making the vault. The resources to make it were hard to come by. The supplies needed were scarce, but Master used his connections to get it. We weren't sure if it would even work. He replicated the chemical used to preserve your body. I'm lucky. We rushed the vault, so there was more room for error. I'm full human, unlike you, which didn't allow my body to be preserved as long. I would wake when the chemical has worn off, but you, you had to be woken up with the artifact. Master used another Apple to predict when you would wake if everything went smoothly. We were off slightly and that is why I am far older than you."

"Wow," is all I can manage to say while absorbing the information. "I can't believe master went through all of that to get you here."

"I know. He didn't want Dr. Gultz to take you. He didn't want you going somewhere where you weren't treated fairly."

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