Chapter 16

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"Off we go!" Chase cheers as we depart for the mission. I stay near Brother's side as we begin walking. I never want to leave his presence. He's been through so much just to keep me safe and happy.

"You're pretty enthusiastic about this mission," I observe.

"Sure am! I love missions!"

Brother and I giggle to ourselves. I had never imagined that murderers could be so joyful. The giggling causes the other assassins to eye me a bit more closely. They ignore Brother due to his age. They don't see him as a threat.

The sun lies right above the horizon, causing an orange tint to fill the sky. The trees of the forest cover most of the sky, but that doesn't stop my eyes from admiring the beautiful sunset.

"Stop." One of the assassins says abruptly in a hushed tone. He holds up his hand to reinforce his command. We all listen for any disturbance that caused him to halt, but here is nothing to be heard.

"Procede quietly," the assassins instructs. All of us do as told. The other assassins step quieter than before, which I didn't believe was possible.

"Now!" a deep voice calls from the trees. 

Soldiers wearing the mark of the Templar order leap from the tall trees. I estimate twenty five of their kind surrounding our group of 7. Each of them hold metal weapons without a blade. Guns. The assassins react quickly and throw knives at many of enemies, but we still remain outnumbered. 

I unsheathe my sword and ready myself for a fight. I attack first, hoping to get an advantage. Metal meets metal as I focus on my opponent. I hear a large boom behind me. I glance at a fallen assassin collapsing to the ground with a pool of blood surrounding his figure. My target tries to hit me with the butt of his gun while I was distracted. I barely dodge it while nearly falling backwards. I strike for his gut before it is blocked. He aims for my head. I take this as an opportunity to use my new move. I stretch my leg out to trip him. The Templar lands on his back with a thud. The rush and adrenaline almost causes me to take his life, but I will not be a killer. I hesitate and knock him out with his own weapon. I stare at him for a few seconds to make sure he is out before Brother's voice fills my ears.

"Watch out!" he calls. Brother runs in front of me. Then I hear it. The loud crack of the gun fills my ears. I stare at Brother in shock while red liquid soaks his shirt. I reach out and catch him as his body falls into my arms.

"No, you will not die on me. Not now. You can't!" I whimper. The tears fall as I am trying to process what is happening. Brother has always been a part of my life. I can't let him die.

"Let me go. I have lived my life. I have served my purpose," he speaks with his dying breaths. 

The clanking of metal is heard close by. I look over to Chase saving me from being killed by an attacking Templar.

"Lexi, you have to fight!" He says while battling the same opponent. My attention turns back to Brother.

"I am so proud of you. I love you sister." I hear Brother's last breath escape his lip. His eyes lose their life and stare at the orange sky.

"No!" Anger consumes me. Energy flows through my body, begging to be released. "No!" I pound my fist on the ground as my arms glow gold. A wave of energy shoots through the air, targeting only my enemies, the ones who killed him. The assassins are still knocked to the ground due to the sudden force.

My vision starts to blur as the assassins are rising from the ground. I vaguely hear them arguing about my fate before their angry voices begin to sound muffled. My eyes feel heavier and heavier. I used too much energy, lost too much energy. My body falls to the ground. The last thing I see is my brother's lifeless face before everything goes black.

My eyes crack open to a familiar setting, one I was recently in. The metal bars are becoming a normal sight. I shift my gaze toward the door where the three assassin leaders stand.

"So, Lexi..." The assassin in front spits my name from his mouth as if I had betrayed him. "What exactly took place during your recent mission?"

"I...I don't know." I choke on my words and fight back the sting of tears. Brother is gone, and it's my fault. I convinced him to come. He would be safe right now if it weren't for me.

"You don't know? Please, I thought we had some respect for each other. I guess you will remain as a prisoner for the time being." I break eye contact. I know I will not be able to talk my way out of this one. "Keep a close eye on her. Make sure she is tightly bound up to the bars. We can't have any unexpected events," he orders another assassin.

I hadn't even noticed that my wrists were tied to the side of the cage until now. I refuse to cry in front of them. They have no respect for me and I won't allow myself to show weakness in front of them. Loud footsteps break the silence before Chase storms into the room.

"I'll watch her for the time being," he says. The other assassin hesitates. "Go!" he shouts. The assassin walks swiftly out the door.

"Are you okay?" he asks in a soft tone.

"Why? Are you just trying to get information out of me so you can report it to your authorities?" I say while turning my head in the opposite direction.

"No! Why would you even ask that? I'm asking because you lost your brother and were taken as a prisoner. I wanted to know if you were okay. I care about you. Don't you see that?" Chase's voice holds pain. 

"Why would someone like you care about someone like me? Can't you see that I'm different from everyone else? Can't you see that I don't fit in?" Chase pauses before speaking.

"I like you a lot, Lexi." I meet his sincere gaze as the words spill out of his mouth. "I like you because you're strong. You may have different problems in life, but you can handle them. Being normal isn't all that great. You're different in a way that draws me closer. You always leave me wanting to know more about you. You're the gas that fuels the fire that is my curiosity. I think...I think my feelings for you have grown to something more than just friendship."

All I can do is stare at him with my sad eyes. I had never even considered that Chase had romantic feelings towards me. Did he just now realize it, or have I been blind to it this whole time? The moment is broken when the master assassins return to the room I'm being held in. Even through their hoods, they look Chase up and down as if he wasn't supposed to be here, as if he were an object out of place.

"We are willing to offer you a deal. You can either aid us with whatever abilities you possess, or you can remain in this cell until we have decided your fate. The choice is yours, but please, be quick," The assassin in front tells me.

"It's safer for everyone if I remain in here."

"That's not the wisest choice. Tell me, do you understand what we fight for?"

"I do. You fight for freedom and freewill. The Templars fight for control," I answer, sounding more of a know-it-all than intended.

"And don't you want to help us win that battle?"

I ignore his question. "It's funny, you lock me up against my will and tell me that I have to help you win your war. If I don't, I don't live. You're starting to sound a lot like a Templar." A smirk appears on my face as I make my point. "I have seen the world Templars desire, and trust me, it is not at all pleasurable. One thing is for certain though, yours won't be any better."

The assassin I have been directing my words towards stands a bit straighter, as if he is trying to reclaim the power I had just stolen from him. I was never this strong or confident with the Isus. I guess personalities change with time.

"Very well. We shall discuss what will become of you. Someone will come over to notify you in the morning. I hope you don't regret your decision, because there's no going back now." With that, he turns and exits the room with his silent council following behind him.

I stare blankly at the floor and think about my fate. They will probably execute me. Holding a prisoner is costly. They wouldn't use the extra resources to keep me alive, and they definitely won't set me free with me knowing all that I do. My powers are something to be feared, not reasoned with. They can spark out of control in the blink of an eye.

Chase breaks my silence. "I can't believe you just did that. They're not going to let that go easy."

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