Chapter 14

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"I love you, Sister," Brother says after looking into my memories of life in the past.

"I love you, Brother." I pull him into a hug before a knock at the door interrupts it. I open the door to see Chase.

"I wasn't sure if you still wanted to train today, so I thought I would just come over and ask you."

"Yes, I shall train with you today. Give me one moment please."

"Good job. Now, make sure you don't let your form get lazy once you knock your opponent back." I nod at Chase's input while training.

Our swords clash together. I aim for Chase's torso, but he quickly jumps back. He strikes back from the top, which I successfully block. I feel my feet pulled from under me and before I know it, I'm on my back with a sword to my throat.

"Your opponent won't always attack with their sword. Be ready for anything." He pulls the sword from my face and lends me a hand to pull me from the ground. "We should take a break. Would you like to go and get a soda or something?"

"A what?" I ask.

"A soda," he repeats.

"What is a soda?" The word is foreign to me. I have never heard of this soda he speaks of. It could either be due to the fact that I am from a different time period, or the fact that I had been a slave all of my life.

"Oh my gosh! We are leaving right now. I can't believe you've never had soda before."

We arrive at a small market in a building. Chase called it a "restaurant." It is quite strange to me that people in this time period would go somewhere to eat. Why can't they make their meals at home and eat with their families? The building is quaint. Not many people are here, which may be caused by how early it is.

Chase orders the sodas for us. When they finally arrive, he stares at me from across the table.

"Try it," he says while taking a gulp and eyeing me.

Nervously, I try a sip. The tiny bubbles come as a shock and feel like little needles on my tongue. The next thing I notice is how concentrated the drink is with sugar. I have never encountered something filled with that much flavor. I cringe at the sweetness and unnatural aftertaste. Chase lets out a laugh at my reaction.

"Why is it so sweet?" I question in disgust, still making the face. This just causes Chase to laugh harder and grasp his stomach. A light smile forms on my face, despite the disgusting taste.

Chase orders a water for me. We sit at the table for hours and talk about nothing. He allowed me to temporarily forget about my powers, my mother, and all of my struggles in life. In that moment, I seemed to fit in with the rest of the 21st century citizens.

"I really needed this. Thank you," I say to Chase while smiling.

"Anytime." He smiles back at me.

There is a short and comfortable silence that we share.

"So, you know about my past. Tell me more about yours." I say curiously.

"Well, my father died when I was a small boy. I don't really remember a time when he was in my life. When I turned 12, my mother disappeared. I still don't know if she's alive. I went to live with my uncle, who was an assassin. He never told me about his secret life until two years ago. I ignored the information for a year and then became curious about the order. He trained me for 6 months and then told me that I was ready to join the brotherhood. The assassins have been my family since."

"Wow. I thought all assassins were trained while they were young."

"Nope. People join at different ages. Not many are born into the brotherhood."

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