Chapter 21

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I watch as Chase lifts me from my previous spot. My crimson blood now stains his assassin robes. He runs as fast as he can toward the entrance of the Templar's territory. I watch from afar. Am I dead? My point of view is no longer from the eyes of my own body. I seem to be having an out-of-body experience. This must be what the afterlife is like. Yet, I don't feel free.

"Grab the Apple!" one of the assassins yells to the others. They jog over and grab it. Suddenly, my perspective shifts with the artifact. Great, I'm still bound to the Apple. I thought I would finally be free upon death. I guess I was wrong.

The assassin runs in the direction of the exit. He reaches the van and hops in with ease. I can see Chase hovering over my motionless body, staring at my pale face. He places his fingers directly below my chin to check my pulse. He wouldn't be able to find one. Even if I was alive, he wouldn't feel anything. The pained expression on his face saddens me. He looks devastated. He continues to stare at my face, smeared with blood. He seems unfazed as the van departs from Templar territory.

"We've got the Apple, but why is it so...dim? I expected it to be a lot shinier like the others we've seen," the assassin holding my artifact observes. His tone doesn't seem concerned for my critical state. His worries lie more with his precious artifact.

Chase glances over to the Apple in the assassin's hand. He stares, as if observing every detail of it. His gaze shifts back to me pained, but in thought. I want so badly to comfort him, to reach out and touch him. I need to tell him that I'll be alright. I want to tell him to move on without me. My body seems to respond to my desires. My finger twitches, but only in the slightest. Chase seems to notice. The shock seems to take over his features. The other assassins in the van give him puzzled looks.

"She's still alive," Chase whispers. The disbelief is evident in his tone. He places his fingers under my jawline once again. He tilts his head slightly in confusion. "But I don't feel anything."

"Maybe you just imagined her moving. You seemed pretty attached to her. I think you need to let her g-" another one of his assassin friends tells him before being cut off.

"I know what I saw, Logan!" Chase shouts.

The van remains quiet with an awkward silence. The only sound to be heard is the engine of the vehicle. Everyone sits in silence, unknowing of what to say. I've learned that assassins aren't the best when it comes to comfort.

"She's still alive. She has to be," Chase mumbles.

"You have to let her go. Even if she was still alive, the council will still go through with their punishment. I'm not sure if that's worth living through. You know how strict they can be." Logan mentions a pretty good point. The assassins could sentence me to death. Chase's efforts to save me could be for nothing.

"She doesn't deserve to be punished. She had no control over it. It was the..." Chase's head perks up to look at the Apple. He must've remembered when I told him that I was connected to the Apple, that it was my power source. Maybe he finally put the pieces together. This time he tried something different; he places his hand under my nose.

"She's still breathing," he says in relief.

The others simply stare at him, their expressions still holding the same confused gaze. The van slowly comes to a stop as it reaches its destination.

"She needs to get medical attention." The assassins look amongst themselves. "Please, we need to give her a chance," Chase begs.

"Fine," Logan replies, speaking for the rest of them, "but we will not defy the council."

"Thank you."

Chase carries picks up my limp body and rushes toward the building. Logan follows close behind with the Apple in his grasp. Even while sharing the perspective of the artifact, I can still feel how tight he grips it. Dr. Gultz made sure that I would be bound to it no matter what. Even in death, I assume that he wanted me to become it.

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