Chapter 12

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My eyes are frozen to the ground as my mind attempts to register what had just happened. Had I killed all of these innocent people? I need to get my powers under control. No, there's no way I will ever be able to do that. My powers will never be in control; they will always control me. I need to be locked up like the monster that I am. That's the only way people will ever be safe from me.

With every last ounce of energy I have, I take off running towards the assassin base. I can't have others' lives risked due to my ignorance. I finally reach my destination. I can hear my name called in the distance. It echoes through the hallways as I make my way through. I find the room that I was held in before. To my luck, the ropes still lie in here.

I slam the cage door behind me and quickly tie the ropes around my wrists. I shouldn't ever be free. I don't deserve to be free, not now, not ever.

My adrenaline finally subsides. I decide to sit in the far corner away from the door. The memory of everyone's bodies collapsing fills my mind. I am truly a monster.

"What are you doing?" Chase storms in with a shocked tone.

"I didn't ask for this," I mumble to myself between breaths, pulling my knees close to my chest. I completely ignore Chase's question. "When they made me, they weren't supposed to do this." 

"Made you?" Yet again, his comment goes ignored. 

"I didn't sign up for this. I should've died with the rest of them. They should've let me die." My thoughts keep spilling from my mouth. The emotional walls that I have built around myself are slowly crumbling to the ground. There is nothing left to protect me. I am weak.

"Lexi, where is this coming from? Are you going to tell me what happened?" My eyes lazily gaze at his face, then back down to the floor.

"I'm pretty sure I killed them," I say in disbelief.

"Who? Who did you kill?" Chase questions, stepping closer to the cage. His voice holds a concerned tone.

"The Templar tried to take me. My powers went off on their own. They...they were innocents," I say, still in a daze from the previous events. The shock still hasn't subsided.

"You didn't mean to. Maybe training will help you control it." Chase goes to open the cage.

"NO!" I shout at him. "You cannot release me from this cell. I won't let innocents die because of me."

"Lexi, I can help y-"

"No you can't! Leave me."

Chase stares at me, stunned by my words and tone, before exiting the room.

It's not long before he comes back, but this time, he's not alone.

"Sister, you can't live like this." Brother's face is covered in worry.

"You know what I've become. You've seen it with your own eyes." I don't bother looking at him while speaking. "You've seen what they've done to me," I add softly.

"I have seen what you've done, what you did to mother, but that wasn't your choice. They used the artifact against you."

I think about his words. Mother may have died because of me, but the blood could be on Dr. Gultz's hands. Either way, I still don't deserve the privilege of living like everyone else. I need to be contained before anyone else gets hurt. The Apple has a tight hold on my actions. If it falls into the wrong hands, many innocents will die from my powers. I can't let that happen.

"The Apple comes with a price, one I'm not sure I can bare." I mumble. The assassin perks up.

"You know of the Apple?" Chase questions. Brother looks at me while my gaze meets the ground.

"We do." I speak for both Brother and me. He knows that the Apple belongs to me and will let me tell my story when I'm ready. "It's the source of my power," I admit.

Chase's face goes blank. An unreadable expression covers his face. He appears shocked, angry and confused.

"I don't understand." He pauses and thinks. "I thought someone would have to be touching it to feel it's power. The power should come directly from the artifact."

"I don't know much about it," I lie. "I'm still learning to control it. I can feel the connection between us. That's the only way I know we are connected." He stares at me, not fully convinced, but still continues on.

"The assassins have been looking for another one. They haven't been able to track one down for quite some time. They say that there is a second piece needed, but once you get it, it's quite  powerful. It has multiple abilities."

"One is in the hands of the Templars. I saw it in their hands while I was with them."

"Oh," he says. "I guess we will just have to track down another one and hopefully get a lead against the Templars."

Silence fills the air. I don't wish to expose anymore of my personal life and connection to the Apple and Chase is lost in thought. I'm guessing his mind is still consumed with thoughts of the Apple. If the assassins know how to use it, I don't believe it would be any better in their hands. They have never treated me as an equal. Why would they change their mind now? Brother finally breaks the everlasting silence.

"Sister, we can get through this together. What have we ever accomplished apart?" 

"I see your point. No more secrets?"

"No more secrets," he agrees.

Chase unlocks the cage and walks towards me to unbind me.

"Promise me you will not hesitate to lock me up if it ever becomes necessary," I whisper to Chase. I can't have Brother hearing this. He would protest against it and never allow it. He always had a soft spot for family.

"Promise," he agrees before unbinding me.

"Let us go home and rest. You've had a long day," Brother expresses while stretching an arm around my shoulder and leading me out the door.

I have made emotional progress since I've been here. I used to fear the assassins, and for a long while I had a everlasting anger toward them. Although I keep an eye on the other assassins as they pass me, I do not flinch like I used to. I'm finally discovering that this order, or "brotherhood," is like a giant family. Everyone has each other's backs.


I apologize for the super late chapter but I was really sick all week (and still am currently). I know this chapter is short and serves only as a filler. I will try to have another one out soon. Thank you for reading.

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