Chapter 20

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I've lost track of time. I don't quite know how long I've been in Templar hands. From my guess, it's been around two weeks. All that I know for sure, is that each day that passes by, I lose a part of myself. When Damien uses the Apple to take away my freewill, I give in more and more each time. I no longer put up a fight. I'm losing the fire that used to spark from within me. I am now a weakening candle flame, small and controlled. I could easily be put out with the slightest of effort. I'm losing my inner strength. Damien sees this too, it shows within my eyes.

"Rise and shine, sleepy head." Damien says while kicking me awake. "I have a present for you."

I run my hands over my face and flutter my eyes open to look up to him. His dark look saddens me. I know I will not enjoy this 'present' he speaks of. Still, I follow him to the main room, obediently. Everything seems to be normal. As far as I can see, nothing is out of place, but I can feel his anticipation surging through him by the way he holds my artifact. 

Because it transfers energy, in a way, it can also tell me what the person it feeling. When Dr. Gultz had told me it was my heart, he was not exaggerating. It had replaced my heart and became my power source. It had become part of me. I can feel whatever it touches. So, if I really think about it, I am no longer a person, I am an object. I have been treated like one all my life, so it doesn't make much of a difference. If it were to be destroyed, I would be nothing more than a shell of whatever I am. I would die the second the Apple did. At least, that's what I assume. 

In an instant, doors shoot open. Two Templar guards drag an assassin by each arm. His dangling head suddenly lifts and he begins to struggle within their grasps. One of the guards kicks him in the gut to stop his squirming. They chain him to the wall which is on the opposite side of the room. I feel bad for the assassin. I never meant to bring harm to them. It was not my choice to be a part of their war, but I guess I was dragged into it the instant my eyes opened in this new era.

"Take his hood off. Allow Lexi to see his face," Damien orders to the Templar guards.

The moment his hood is off, everything goes numb. My only friend stands on the other side of the room. I try not to make eye contact with Chase as his gaze pierces the air, looking directly at me. He looks confused, betrayed, hurt.

"What are you doing? Why are you just standing there?" he shouts at me with a hint of pain, emotional pain. I don't answer, but instead, look at him with a sad expression. I don't know how to explain it to him. Explaining who, or what, I am isn't easy.

"I...I-" I stutter before being cut off.

"She really isn't in the mood for putting up a fight against the Apple." A dark smile appears on Damien's face as he interrupts me. "You know, she has been feeling a bit down these past days. We thought she would feel better the moment she saw you."

I suddenly remembered the knife I had hid on my last mission. I had saved it for the right moment, this moment. I pulled it out in one swift movement. I aimed for Damien's head. It was within and inch of it's target before it froze in place. My glowing arms are proof that he had been too quick. My hands shake as I try to fight it's power. He forces me to drop the knife. My hands move to my neck as I back against the wall, choking myself with my own hands. He uses the artifact against me, enjoying the power he possess. My lungs burn from the lack of oxygen. He finally releases the pressure. I collapse to the floor, coughing and gasping for the air I had just lost.

On the other side of the room, the sound of chains echoes. I don't have to look up to know Chase is pulling against them in frustration and anger. I remain on the floor, still catching my breath, when Damien picks up the knife and looks to Chase with a mischievous expression.

"Don't," I growl. His eyes snap to mine. Our eyes lock, both daring each other. The corners of his lips turn up into the evil smile I have learned to despise.

"Oh, darling, I won't...but you will."

He forces me to stand and grab the knife from his hands. I fight with each step I take, each one shaky. My eyes meet Chase's as a tear runs down my cheek. He finally realizes why I didn't fight, and it is evident on his face. He now realizes that I didn't betray him. He can see for himself that I have been trapped here because of the Apple. I was once a slave that belonged to a master. Now, I am enslaved to an artifact, open for anyone to claim as their own.

"It's alright Lexi," Chase soothes to me as I near him. "I know this isn't you. You are being forced. I understand now. Just do it. Everything will be fine."

Another tear runs down my cheek as I stand before him. My shaky hand is still desperately trying to resist the power that is forcing me to stab him. I wish I had never come to this era. I know I wouldn't have met Chase, but that is only a small price to pay for his safety, everyone's safety. I care about him. He has shown me kindness in a way no one else has. He has shown me that I cannot judge a person by the people surrounding him. The other assassins have been nothing but negative towards me, but Chase has proven that he could be his own person. He has allowed me to trust him with everything I have. I trust him with my life.

That's when I did it. The knife plunged through the skin, soaking my hands in crimson blood. I stood there frozen. Chase's face stares at me with a shocked expression, not because he had been stabbed, but because I targeted myself. I fought the Apple's power just enough to let him live, but there had to be another to take his place. A life for a life. I won't let him die because of me. I won't allow any other person that I care about to fall by my hand. I had to sacrifice myself for him. I know he would've done the same if he was in my position.

"No!" Chase screams.

I collapse to the floor, gripping my torso. My weak hands try to pull the knife out, but it slips out from my fingers due to the sticky liquid soaking my hands.

"Get up! You will get up this instant and finish what we've started!" Damien shouts from the other end of the room. I feel his anger traveling through the Apple.

He tries to force me to my feet using the Piece of Eden. Each time he does, my muscles tense, causing the knife to imbed itself deeper and deeper into my bleeding flesh. I scream out in pain as he does so. I look over in his direction. I see the Apple's glow flicker every now and then. If I die, it dies. It will no longer have a use without me. It would have nothing to control.

"Stop! You're killing her!" Chase yells as he relentlessly pulls on the chains, but it's no use. He is struggling to be by my side. I wish to be near him in my final moments. I want him to hold me in his arms and comfort me. I need to hear him say that everything will be alright...I need to know that he will be alright.

I look in his direction. My eyes begin feeling heavy.

"Stay awake. Stay awake. Do that for me please," he begs. I hear the worry in his voice. I simply stare at him, lacking the energy needed to respond. 

A loud boom is heard from being me. The sound of swords clashing together fills my ears. An assassin runs into my field of vision and releases Chase from his binds. He stumbles over to me as quickly as he can, cupping my face with his hands. My surroundings start to blur. My blinking begins to slow as my eyes feel heavier than before.

"Stay awake. I won't lose you. I can't lose you," Chase cries out. A tear rolls down his cheek. I had never seen him cry before. I never expected to see him cry. He cares. He has shown me that. He has proven that to me. I am thankful to have had a friend like him.

A small feeling of relief runs through me, growing with every passing second. I will no longer be able to harm another being. My death will put an end to Dr. Gultz's selfish scheme, the Templars can no longer use me as a weapon, and I won't have to experience what fate the assassins have chosen for me. If I die, I will finally be reunited with my family. I will finally be at peace. There will be no more fighting, no more losses. I feel myself starting to give up.

I'm sorry, Chase. I know you care. I know this will hurt you, but it's for the better. With me gone, there will be far less destruction in this world. I won't be able to hurt anyone else.

Chase continues to talk to me, trying to keep me awake, but his voice muffles. I can no longer feel his touch on my face. He lifts me from the ground and runs toward the entrance. My eyes slowly shut, and for the first time in a while, I feel...happy.

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