We All Fall Down-Alex Gaskarth

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My hands twitched.

My mouth was dry.

I looked at Alex, tears filled his eyes as he talked about Tom.

The memories flooded my mind.

Suddenly all I could see was white.


I woke up. My head feeling heavy, I scanned the room.

A white hospital room. Alex sat in one of the chairs. His eyes bloodshot, I tried to say something but nothing came out. He slowly looked towards me, seeing me awake, he launched towards me. I smiled weakly. He hugged me as tight as he could.

"They said I lost you sweetheart." He said giving me a peck on the lips.

"I-I thought so..." I said looking down. He knew my history and things i've done. I told him i'd stop but I had to try one last time. And here I am. Alive. He frowned.

"Don't say that." He said moving my hair out of my face. My heart beat was fast. I gulped. I didn't want to make my love mad. He put his hand to my chest, he felt the fast paced heart beat. He quickly scattered to my purse, grabbing the anxiety medication that lies in my purse. I frowned. I don't need those. I'm fine!

"I-i'm fine, hun." I said looking into alex's chocolate eyes.

"You need these." He said popping out two pills, handing them to me. I slowly put them in my mouth. Turning my head and taking them out before Alex could see. I swallowed spit. That's it. He smiled thinking I really took them. I felt bad, really bad for lying and pretending to take them. But I'm perfectly fine. He slowly picked me up.

"I know you're not better yet but I have a concert and you need to come." Alex breathed out. I nodded. My head hung low, trying to avoid contact with Alex. I knew Alex didn't want to lose another person. But I was so tempted to go out, like Tom did...


My eyes popped open. Looking around, I was on my bed. At home, in Baltimore. I looked to my left, Alex was peacefully sleeping next to me- I smiled. His eyes flew open as he felt my movement, I rolled on top of him letting out a small giggle. Alex wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him, inches to his face. He laughed as my face flushed a dark red color. Suddenly, I felt something jump onto my lap I looked at where it was coming from, there laid a small child. I looked at Alex, with a confused look plastered on my face.

"Hey, Phoenix." Alex said picking up the baby.

"Who's baby is that?" I asked looking at the child's features.

"Ours." Alex said giving me the baby, I smiled.

"Hi, mummy." Phoenix spoke out. How was I a mum? I had never given birth or anything.

"Hello, Phoenix?" I said with a questioning tone. Alex looked at me.

"You sound like you don't know your 3 year old daughter." Alex said to me.

"Sorry, just my mind.." I said taking a deep breath. Alex nodded.

"Mummy make me my favourite food!" Phoenix said to me. Oh my gosh, now I have to guess what her favourite food is? Being a mum is a lot of work.

"And what is that?" I asked her.

"Pizza pizza pizza!" Phoenix yelled in my ear. I nodded and got up, walking downstairs.

"Hun, you okay?" Alex said walking up to me, giving me a hug from behind.

"I mean. I'm only 17 and i'm a mum." I said looking down, never had I imagined being a mum at such a young age.

"Hun, you're 24." Alex said looking into my dark hazel eyes.

"No i'm not..." My voice trailed off. I looked at my clothing, I looked the same, I felt the same.

"Your 24th birthday was yesterday." Alex told me, was this all a dream? A big nightmare? I questioned to myself. Knowing that I could have slipped into a coma from "yesterday's" accident is very possible. Maybe I was living the life of a 17 year old, in a coma. Being in a coma for 7 years is rare. I didn't know what to say, I was flabbergasted.

"Was I in a coma?" I asked Alex, he nodded slowly.

"For seven years." He said as a tear trailed down his cheek. I gulped and nodded.

"But you gave birth while in the coma. The doctors were surprised." Alex said rubbing my stomach as if there was still a baby in it. I gave him a sad smile.

"But you're all better now." He said. I nodded.

"But she said I know her favourite food." I said looking into Alex's eyes.

"I told her you do, just don't mention that you don't" Alex said calmly.

"How's Jack?" I said completely changing the subject.

"He's good. Still lonely as you can tell." Alex said chuckling.

"My poor buh buh still hasn't found a lady?" 

"He's been off and on with this chick. Her name is Lisa, she's rude."

"Lisa? Lisa Ruocco? Ha! She will not date my bubby!" I yelled waving my hand in front of alex's face, snapping.

"Don't worry, no one likes her. Jack wants to break up with her but she's insane. She said she'll kill him." Alex said, caressing my cheek, with a sad sigh.

"I will kill her! She's not going to threaten my bro!" I said my face slowly reddening.

"Don't worry sweetheart, this ride is a wild one. Make no mistake the day will come when you can't cover up what you've don-" I cut Alex off.

"Don't quote your own song hun." I said with a giggle.

"Let's make some food." Alex said grabbing a jar of sauce.

"Order the pizza, much easier." I said picking up the phone.

"You're no fun!" Alex said popping the jar lid off.

"Whatever, Alexander." I said with a sly smirk. Alex poked his finger in the jar and put the sauce on my nose.

"Rude!" I screamed dipping my hand in a bowl of flower and dumping it on Alex's head.

"This won't come out for days! You're gonna get it." Alex said picking the jar up, splashing all the contents onto my shirt, my favourite shirt.

"Ugh!" I screamed, scattering to my room.

"Mummy, are you and daddy okay?" Phoenix asked me.

"Mhm, just a lil bitty food fight." I said grabbing another more provocative shirt, slipping the messing saucy one off and putting on the new one.

"You look beautiful mummy." Phoenix said admiring the way the shirt made me look.

"Awww thanks sweetie. You look beautiful too." I said scooping her up into my arms, she giggled. I made my way back downstairs to find Alex sitting on the couch.

"Home Alone is on, your favourite." Alex said smirking. I nodded and walked over to him, placing Phoenix in the middle of me and Alex.

"We're perfect, can't you agree?" Phoenix said sitting up right.

"I do. We are perfect." Me and Alex said in sync. I smiled, Alex layed me down, putting Phoenix once again in the middle of us. Alex placed his hands around my waist.

"Goodnight baby girls." Alex said giving Phoenix a kiss on the head and me, a kiss on the lips.

"Goodnight." I said closing my eyes as I drifted off to a nice long sleep. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To Be Continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wrote this some time ago for a school project and I ever thought about publishing it, but if you guys like it would you like me to continue this? - Me c:  

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