How you met - Waterparks

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Otto - You two met while at a music store, bumping into each other as you both were drooling over a new set of drums. You clicked almost immediately, exchanging phone numbers.

From then on you both hung out nearly everyday, and for your birthday Otto decided to purchase the set of drums for you. 

A few months into your friendship Otto asked you out, you said yes as you knew he'd treat you extremely well, as he did. 

Your relationship stood pretty hidden from the public until Awsten accidentally leaked a photo of you in Otto's bunk while on tour. You gave Awsten the silent treatment but in all honestly were glad that everyone would now know that Otto was no longer up for grabs, and was taken by you.

Geoff -  You two met at a birthday party, sharing laughs as you gave your best friend, Awsten's sibling the same gift that Geoff bought for her. You talked through-out the night, sharing drinks until you felt tipsy. Before leaving you gave him your phone, and he gladly put his number in your phone underneath his name, Geoff. 

You called Awsten the next day, obsessing over the cute boy you met the night before. He giggled, and agreed to help you out when it comes to wining over his heart, and becoming a good friend.

You and Geoff were sharing a coffee at a nearby Starbucks. The quiet chatter of other people kept your conversation private. He then began to compliment you, telling you how gorgeous you looked and cheesy things like how your eyes glimmer in the moonlight. You couldn't help but blush a rosy colour at his remarks. Geoff then asked you out, holding his hand in yours. You smiled, face lit up in happiness as you nodded quickly, embracing yourself in his arms. 

Awsten - You two met at the grocery store. You both went to grab the same bottle of orange juice, but his hand got there before yours. You sighed and began to walk away when a hand met your arm, stopping you. 

Awsten decided to buy the orange juice for you, wanting to apologize. You excepted it, and exchanged numbers as he walked you to your car. 

Over the next few days you talked with him over the phone, texting constantly, and occasional FaceTimes. Once while on text he asked if you'd like to come to his band practice. You were quite interested so you decided to say yes, questioning if it was a date or not.

Later on Awsten picked you up, you both sung along with your favourite songs until you got to where they were practicing.

You met with the band, meeting the two other band members, Otto and Geoff. You watched as they play songs, you enjoyed the way the music sounded, and Awsten's voice that went perfectly with the tune.  

Later on after the practice was over, Awsten drove you home. You caught quick glances of Awsten peeking over at you, all you did was smile and giggle. Once you arrived at your house, Awsten turned to look at you, and soon he asked you to be his girlfriend/boyfriend. You smiled, it was a surprise, but of course you said yes. 

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