Brother? ~ Kim Namjoon - pt.1

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A/N: Little update for you guyssss, I know I know it's bts again but i've been working on this for a while now and I wanted to post it. I'll start working on more bands :) ~ Alyx


Min Alyx


Ugh, another day, another dreadful day.

I sat up from my twin sized bed, stretching out my arms, yawning. I hear my younger siblings rustling around from upstairs.

My parents are never home, so, I'm like a dad figure to them. I get dressed, fix breakfast for me and them, wake them up, get them dressed, drive them to school then I finally get myself to school.

This is everyday.

Haha.. No it doesn't get annoying at all!

Anyway, I'm Min Alyx. I've always been called by 'Alyx' or 'Min' but, my parents' last name happens to end with Joon? It's confusing.

I'm 18, tall, light pink coloured hair, i'm masculine. But, I've never dated. Nor, do I want to. My siblings. Well, they're twins. Two girls. Both 6 years young. I could leave home, yes. But, I can't leave my sisters to do all these things, all the responsibilities. They're sick for God's sake.

I am South Korean, but, I studied at an excellence A+ school in the United Kingdom. I know English very well.

So, when I talk I have two different accents. I think it's quite cool.

Another fact, my parents won't let me look into my adoptive files. Oh yes, I am their adoptive son. The only one not born out of my 'mothers' womb. They're hiding something from me. And I know they are! My two sisters (Maria and Stella) both said that i'm not the only brother. That their other brother went off. Fishy. Mum and dad never told me about another brother. *sighs in defeat* I suppose.. I will never find out. I mean, do I really need to? Is it that important. Mum and dad are also always in Seoul. Like I said, never in the bloody house! I'm running two jobs on top of school because those ugh.. Cunt fucks won't pay the bills round' here. So I've got to..

I slump out of my warm bed. My arms turning cold. I cover my arms that are filled with new, fresh cuts.

I throw on a pair of yoga pants and a oversized sweater. I slip on a pair of fuzzy socks then head down stairs.

"Breakfast!" I yell. It's a Saturday morning, no school means no rush for their breakfast. Also meaning, a better breakfast this morning. I hear the little patters of feet running from the stairs to our kitchen, where I begin reaching for the pancake batter. I stand on my tippy toes, trying to reach it but before I know it, i'm surprised by a little hand hitting me where the sun doesn't shine

"God damnit!" I say holding my crotch, "Bloody hell! My fuckin' balls!" I yell holding onto the marbleized counter for support.

"You look like a tomato." One of my younger siblings calls out. I groan and nod. Finally finding enough balance to stand up once again without my.. Crotch hurting too bad.

I suddenly hear our door open, I look that way, and I see a man that isn't similar. Strawberry, peachy coloured hair, tall but not too tall of a figure. Ideal weight- But then I suddenly grab a butcher knife,

"Who the hell are you?" I question, walking towards the man, pointing the knife out, away from myself.

"Woah woah woah!" The boy says, dropping his suit case. He has a thick Korean accent, similar to mine but as I've said, mine is lined with a Brit touch to it. His was just Korean, but, he was talking English instead of actual Korean words.

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