Fair Nights X Denis Stoff

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It was a chilly day and Denis decided that our weekend plans should be going to the state fair. I knew one thing, and that was that I planned on stuffing my face with all the fair food I could possibly get my hands on. He pulled up to the parking lot as he went on my side of the car to open my door. "My lady," He said, fake bowing. I rolled my eyes, "Thanks" I said sincerely, walking to the fair with our arms linked.

We paid for our wristbands and I already saw girls looking at us, and by us I mean him. I don't blame them to be quite honest, he was very attractive. I sighed, I shouldn't even think like this, I'm just his best friend, nothing too special. I should think of a better excuse anyways, its obvious I like him more than just a friend. I could only silently hope he felt the same to an extent.

We went on a multitude of rides, including a haunted one that nearly made me shit my pants. We also went on this one that was similar to a roller coaster, and with the carts being too big, our sides ended up hurting. I did fulfill my purpose with stuffing my face with food. That's one of the main reasons why I didn't go on the tilt a whirl. Denis did and ended up throwing up. There was nothing greater than rubbing your friends back while they throw up at a fair.

The sun had finally set and it was getting colder. It was so chilly if you squinted your eyes, you could see your breath in front of you. I was starting to get tired, and I could tell Denis was drained as well. I felt bad because multiple people kept asking him for pictures. I knew he was a bit on edge because of that, but he kept it to himself, only occasionally whispering something to me about it.

"There's just one last thing I wanna do, and that's going on the Ferris Wheel." Denis said, leading me towards the line. Thankfully, it wasn't really that big of a line, there was only about ten people or so in front of us.

We got on and immediately took his hand, I was petrified of heights. He apologized profusely, he completely forgot. When we got to the top, the view was breath taking. Yes, I was scared of heights, but after the initial nerves die down, I'm fine.

Denis had his hand resting on my thigh, as I looked at the lights from up above. I rested my head against his chest, as he placed a kiss on my forehead. ''Theres something I've been wanting to do for a while.'' He murmured. ''Oh?" I said, looking up at him.

He traced his thumb across my bottom lip as my breath increased. He brought his head down slightly as he kissed me. It felt like a newfound energy was coursing through my veins. The Ferris Wheel came to a halt, as our kiss stopped a moment before than. We walked out of the fairgrounds that night as one, or whatever.

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