Karaoke X Derek Discanio

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Derek and I had decided to host the weekly karaoke night that his bandmates held. As I put out a bowl of chips, I heard a knock at the door. I opened it as Derek and Tyler, one of his bandmates, walked passed me with cases of beer. I shook my head, making sure everything looked nice before the others came.

I sat on the couch as Derek filled our fridge with beer and other snacks. A few minutes later, the other guys arrived and a few other friends came. I turned on the karaoke machine and the speakers that came with it.

"Okay everyone! Same rules as last week. Pick a number from the bowl and if you get called you have to do a song, or take a shot," I said, handing the bowl to Ryan, one of Derek's bandmates. Everyone quickly grabbed a slip of paper, secretly hoping that they wouldn't be picked. I grabbed the other bowl that had matching numbers.

"Who has five?" I asked, scanning our crowd of friends. Tyler stood up dramatically, taking the mic from my hand. I sat in his spot as he scrolled through our song selections. "If I do this song, you all have to sing with me," He said, putting on Africa. "Oh my god." I heard someone mumble. Tyler sang multiple songs, not letting anyone else have the mic.

"I'll go just to shut him up." Ryan said, snatching the mic from Tyler. "Hey!" Tyler protested, attempting to get the mic back. Tyler then reluctantly sat down, as Ryan sang some 70's dance song.

I grabbed the mic after having many shots. I began to sing Wonderwall, making everyone there wave their arms. Some even had their phone flashlights on. Derek came as stood next to me as we drunkenly sang the rest of the song.

Derek was sick of everyone doing oldies songs, so he chose Finesse by Bruno Mars. He started to dance, although he just ended up stumbling over our table. I sighed, watching Derek get back on his feet. Whenever he would sing, it was so slurred barely anything could be made out.

I took the mic from him, seeing that it was almost midnight. "Does anyone else wanna go? It's getting pretty late and most of us have to go to work tomorrow." I said, scanning our group. After no one went, I unplugged the karaoke machine, turning to put it in my closet.

Derek and I said our goodbyes as we both collapsed onto our bed. "I'd say that went well." I said to Derek, "Yeah," he replied, chugging the glass of water he got himself. I turned off our bedroom light, waiting for the killer hangover I'd have tomorrow.

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