Skateboards X Derek Discanio

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The sun was scorching hot.

One Derek enjoyed was putting me out of my misery, especially when it was hot outside.

"Can we go now? We've been here all day and I'm literally going to collapse in a pool of sweat." I said to my lovely boyfriend, who didn't feel like slowing down, nearly missing me.

I gave him a glare will all the venom I could muster, which wasn't really much. "Okay babe I'm sorry." Derek said, not feeling sorry in the slightest.

At this point of the day he uses his puppy eyes on me, damn they are convincing! Then he someone manages to get me to ride his skateboard and make a fool out of myself, and then buys me ice cream as a consolation, which is bullshit.

"I forgive you but I'm not going on the fucking board," I said to Derek, keeping my voice down for the children around us. "Oh, I think I can." Derek said, a smirk on his face. "And how's that." I said, stepping closer to him.

"I'll get you more merch."

"You said that last time and I still didn't get any!"

"Okay this time I mean it."

I hit him on the shoulder. "Nice try skateboard legend." I said sarcastcially. "I'll literally do anything to get you to go on the skateboard." Derek mumbled, tilting my head so I had no choice but to look him in the eyes.

"I've noticed." I said dryly, wiping sweat from his face with a sweat rag I kept in my purse at all times. "Thanks." Derek said, giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Now can we go?" I asked. Derek put his sweaty arm around me. "Sure thing babe." He said, exiting the park.

Now for ice cream.

*Thank you to everyone that reads this cringy ass book! I saw SC last month so that got my writing juices flowing. If you guys have any ideas or things you want me to write please let me know!*

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