Obsession | Editor's Note

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noun: obsession
the state of being obsessed with someone or something.
an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind

Each of us has this one thing that turns us on; by turn on, meaning your eyes dilate, your heart rate hastens and next you know, you'll be creaming your underwear or adjusting your pants.  It could be something innocuous like a fruit or something blatant like a body part; a trigger, so to speak. Whatever it is, it will certainly bring you to heights that you will always crave and always covet. It will be in your waking thoughts and it will intrude your flagrant dreams. 

Obsessions have different sides. The eleven stories that we have this weekend tackles various fetishes and how the characters dealt with them. The prompts for their stories are phrases which I picked randomly from one of my favorite Neil Gaiman books, The Graveyard Book. Saying that their output is interesting is an understatement.

Six stories will be published tonight and the other five, tomorrow evening.

So, change into your nighties (without your underwear--either you'll just replace it later...or you won't need it at all) and lie back and enjoy the ride. You'll certainly be taken into one and it will definitely be wild.

Much love,


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